world in white clouds

May 16, 2009 17:40

daneel/jared/jensen threesome commentfic. as you probably know, i have a thing for threesomes. this is one of the reasons why.

Yesterday Tego came over and figured out what we were doing wrong with the food processor (we had the top turned 180 from where it needed to be, which prompted a discussion about people who don't know how to read i.e., me). Then we made oasted red pepper hummus (oasted is our new word for the fact that we toasted it instead of roasting, but hey! it tasted the same!).

She left around 12:45 i think, to go to bed so she could go to Mo's graduation tomorrow. Meanwhile, I stayed up with roundaboutit while she flailed at me about a movie she was watching until I accidentally fell asleep on the couch. I was so disoriented when I woke up around 6:30 and there was music playing and I was facing the totally wrong direction and there were lights on. I didn't know what was going on, but i managed to turn everything off and stumble to bed.

also reccing The Common Fate of All (and part two). the brother-loving (even non-explicit variety) still squicks me out in theory, but this was just so well written. There were turns of phrase that took my breath away.

My kitchen light has burned out, which doesn't make my list of 'Really Awesome Things'. Kind of the opposite, actually, because the kitchen is very far away from windows (though thankfully it's got an open space cut to the living room, or it would be pitch black in there) and it's one of those special long lights and I can't reach the ceiling anyway. I think it's supposed to be my landlord's responsibility to change the kitchen one cause it's a special kind of light, but that means i'll need to catch him before he leaves town on Tuesday. At any rate, no kitchen light currently, so I made breakfast using the light above the stove. At least that one I can replace by myself.

Today Tego, Anne, and I went to see Non-Places, an exhibit at Flashpoint down near chinatown. It's a small exhibit, but really cool. I'm glad we went. I He seemed to like flying things--particularly helicopters. I liked the little rat painting underneath the actual water fountain. Then we caught a late lunch at California Tortilla until like, 5. good times!

food, tv, pimpin', nikki no baka, hoya saxa, america, why aren't you kidding?, socializing ftw, sleep, posts of oblique references, with the random, classy shit, unproductive is my tokugi

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