important stuff first

Apr 16, 2009 19:20

I've got a friend (also a JE fan) who is doing research on the English-speaking JE fandom and she needs your help! She's got an online survey (which is not too time consuming, because I took it and my answers were decently long sometimes) that she needs you to take.

survey link here

She is particularly hoping to get some stories about how you got into JE, so tell her your story! MAKE SURE YOU HIT SUBMIT ON THE VERY VERY LAST PAGE OR YOUR SURVEY DOES NOT COUNT.
Also! If you want to pimp this out, feel free, but please link to THIS POST instead of simply snagging the link to the survey. This is to help my friend keep track of where the survey is and isn't posted.

news: people are ridiculous who has time for this shit?

I'm a horny engineer, leonard. I never joke about math or sex.

fic: pie

newsish: people jump pretty quickly from elevators to sex in the medical profession, apparently. but more seriously, it's a very fun, interesting op-ed piece and worth a read.

sillyandmorbid: i saw pink pants and bad hair and thought "MATSUJUN!" but it's not.

news: real life is better than fiction

fic: this is hilarious

The Fed managers (well, and the rest of the office) were passing this youtube video around work yesterday. What tickles me most is that Linda D forwarded this to the people I got it from.

news: teaching autistic kids to read facial expressions through trains!

I made a risotto tonight because i bought asparagus. I do that, buy things i think are tasty (when they're on sale) even though i don't really know what to do with them. then, once they're home, i try to find a recipe or two. Well, this time I opted for risotto, and IT IS AMAZING. I don't really see the point of putting the pasta in, and i definitely didn't follow the recipe (almost at all). I just used it to get a general idea of how to make risotto. But this is very good, and I think going to be a staple dish from now on.

fic: also, I'm accepting prompts/pairings here. prs to be prompting me.

other people's awesome, news, food, tv, pimpin', nerdly ftw!, food=幸せ, quotes without context, posts of oblique references

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