playing catch-up

Mar 30, 2009 19:59

mel: you know that old southern saying: if you don't have anything nice to say about somebody, come sit next to me.

The mcGraw-Hill Handbook of English Grammar and Usage: It's too bad the conventions of English grammar are pretty insensitive to logic!
rofl no shit sherlock.

yesterday the weather was gorgeous. I went to church in the fog, but when I came out, the sun was out and it was warm and glorious. Not really warm, but definitely above freezing (rofl as high as 60, even). I cleaned off one screen in the shower (did it ever need it. it was the least visibly dirty, and it was gross) and then stuck my cell and my keys in a purse along with a paper towel and went to go sit on a bench in the little park across from the metro and read a little more of Reading Lolita in Tehran.

turning off your computer at night saves more energy/money than i thought

After that Tego came over for a bit, and then i kicked her out do chores/make dinner. I have decided that my life without a can opener has to end. my can opening alternatives lifestyle just isn't working for me.


Changing gears: so, this thing where I somehow volunteered to help make hummus for 150 people? wtf is the guy planning it thinking. I just. what. Does he think I've got access to martha stewart's kitchen or something? I can kind of see thinking us two volunteers might have access to some kind of food processor--a blender, at least. But what in hell makes him think i have a juicer? That is probably one of the last kitchen appliances i will ever buy. Juicer is definitely up there with 'icecream-maker' in the 'maybe when i get married someone will buy one for me because they're afraid everyone else is giving me toasters.' I just. look. They sell things of lemon juice at the store. why did you give me 7 lemons? what do you seriously expect me to do with them?

sex is a funny thing

I've been very hungry today.

news, food, wtf, idiotic is my new hobby, church, mini!(r-.-)r, eigo, quotes without context, why aren't you kidding?, baito, weather, socializing ftw, unproductive is my tokugi

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