meme rises from dead, eats brains.

Mar 28, 2009 00:17

tagged by anime_heart

- Tell 100 Truths
- Tag 15 people after no.

whoops )


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thawrecka March 28 2009, 06:06:14 UTC
The only reason I wouldn't kiss someone on the first date would be if I didn't want to kiss them at all. Even with my jaw problem.


anamuan March 28 2009, 13:10:50 UTC
i've never actually kissed a person on the first date, but i'm not sure i'd say i wouldn't. a lot of people, i don't know if i want to kiss them until i know more about them. also, the first date is a bit early to be asking if they have any diseases they might want to be telling me about before we exchange bodily fluids.


thawrecka March 28 2009, 13:15:13 UTC
I only ever date friends or friends of friends so I tend to feel I can trust them not to have any kissing diseases. Also, at heart I want to be a giant whore. Kissing is one of my favourite pastimes and the only reason I ever suffer through the horribleness that is dating.


anamuan March 28 2009, 13:30:50 UTC
that is probably a better way to go about it. i kissed a stranger in a club once and spent the next two weeks freaking out about potentially contracting oral herpes (which is a bit ridiculous considering something like 60% of americans have it asymptomatically).

i'm not sure just having kissing as a favourite hobby is enough to make you a huge whore. Maybe if you picked something a little lower?


thawrecka March 28 2009, 13:33:31 UTC
Hey, if I could get any of the men I date to put out I would totally be a giant slutbag. I think that would be fun.


anamuan March 28 2009, 16:12:24 UTC
hahaha i hope they'll start putting out then


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