playing catchup

Mar 19, 2009 21:53

sooooo yes, i'm about 10k behind. and i have 8million WIPs. so, here they are.

list! )

idiotic is my new hobby, i hate myself sometimes, unproductive is my tokugi

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Comments 16

ky_rin March 20 2009, 02:22:58 UTC
harlequin romance??
jinjunno lovejuice?
kokijin??? CRIES I AM BEING DEMANDING D: You know I will demand everything pin and kame whether or not I have seen it already :|


harlequin romance anamuan March 20 2009, 02:30:11 UTC
"God, why did I do that?" Lynn moaned to her friend Tony Russo later that night. They were waiting for her old college roommate Ann Perry to show up with the pizza. Tony and Ann worked in the same law firm, but they'd grown up together in Delaware. Their parents had been good friends (were technically cousins), and were always carting them off on joint family vacations, so they had practically been forced to be close friends too. Ann liked to joke that they'd never even gone through a cootie stage, but Tony always pointed out that it was because she needed someone to bail her out of the fist fights she was inevitably picking. Lawyering suited Ann because it gave her a way to take out her aggression without getting arrested.


kokijin anamuan March 20 2009, 02:32:38 UTC
Koki spends too much time wondering where he stands with his bandmates, his friends, everyone. Fitting in and carving out his place. He doesn't want to think about it tonight, so he swallows it back, chases it down with another shot and smacks his lips, enjoying the way the alcohol makes his lips tingle.


Re: kokijin ky_rin March 20 2009, 02:51:23 UTC
♥ thank you for letting me be demanding.


ky_rin March 20 2009, 02:51:04 UTC
That sub!junno dom!kame I am plaguing you for. :D


anamuan March 20 2009, 02:52:34 UTC
You wouldn't think it by looking at him with his slight build, and perfect salon eyebrows. You wouldn't think it by looking at Junno either, with his strong stature and powerful arms. But you can tell when they talk. Junno has an open, friendly air; eager to please. Kame is reserved, a perfectionist, and here's the thing: an edge of command in his stance and voice. When you think about it like that, Junno never had a chance.


roundaboutit March 20 2009, 03:02:55 UTC


anamuan March 20 2009, 03:15:54 UTC
j;lfaiej;lage i'm trying. you've seen it all. i need to rewrite a section and. oh, that's right. A PLOT.


roundaboutit March 20 2009, 03:17:23 UTC
lol harlequins have plots?


anamuan March 20 2009, 03:20:46 UTC
MORE PLOT THAN I HAVE. rofl why do you think everything i write is porn? no one cares there's no plot


saturnianlove March 20 2009, 05:05:59 UTC
pin suitcase sex?!


anamuan March 20 2009, 11:49:07 UTC
actually, that's also done. i should post it as well. but it'll have to wait till after work. will post then link. A Time and Place


gingifere March 20 2009, 09:48:25 UTC
I don't think you owe me anything :(

But I'd love me some akamepi :D

Also sorry I missed your IM the other day where you demanded drunken Pin from me...m-maybe next time? aksfjkgjkl


anamuan March 20 2009, 11:51:40 UTC
rofl they're not about things you're already owed. i'm hoping peer pressure will do the trick. though instead it seems to be me going 'here~ but nope. still not writing it :P'

jin seems not to have arrived yet.
It was ridiciulous how easily they fell back into hold patterns, sometimes, but both Yamapi and Kame were grateful for it. It meant they didn't have to sit at the table, trying to eat as slowly as possible, abnormally quiet while half of Kanjani8 joked next to them, abnormally loud. Beginnings were awkward, socially stuttered affairs, but then, as the nights wore on, they re-remembered the things they'd found to talk about, and the trip got better. Yamapi stopped using Tegoshi as an excuse to do other things, and Kame stopped using work to hide behind.


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