hit me

Feb 27, 2009 17:21

I'm really behind on my word-count for the month between moving and having to work all day and the month kind of ends tomorrow. Yikes! Leave me prompts, and I'll see what I can't write you. I'll write JE, and am willing to attempt GW, MERLIN, and J2 (and possibly original stuff, but idk why you'd want to request that ( Read more... )

nikki no baka, commentfic, teh internets > my sanity, pairings i never thought i'd write, this is not my fandom (yet), ficcage

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anamuan February 28 2009, 02:18:35 UTC
Sharing is caring and food is love. Those were the driving forces behind Yamapi's decision to wake up (extra) early and make Aragaki Yui pancakes with all the fixings and serve them to her in bed. Yamapi, upon consultation with Koyama (on the basis that Koyama had never steered him wrong with Mother's Day presents, so girlfriend-birthday presents advice should also go over well), settled on chocolate chip pancakes, because maybe choco wasn't his favourite food in the world (after getting sick one year early in his career on Valentine's Day chocolate) but Yui liked it a lot.

Yamapi bought all the ingredients stealthily over the course of the week leading up to Yui's birthday and hid them in the bathroom because the kitchen was too obvious. On the day of, he snuck out of bed while Yui lay slumbering peacefully, dug the ingredients out of the linen drawer and out from under the sink with a relative minimum of noise, and dragged them all to the kitchen.

That was when Yamapi realized that he didn't actually know how to make pancakes. Sure, he had a gist of the general idea: mix, pour, flip, but there was a big difference between theoretical knowledge and actual experience. Shit.

Yamapi was pretty sure he got the batter down alright. He was careful and got all the clumps of flour broken up before he added the chocolate chips, so he didn't think Yui would run into any mouthfuls of pure flour later, but the pouring. Yamapi had some real issues with the pouring.

The people on TV always made it look so easy You put your batter into a measuring cup and you poured it out onto the skillet, and then BAM. Perfect, circular, golden brown pancakes magicked themselves off the pan and onto the plate. Yamapi's? Not so much. He couldn't get a round pancake to save his life. Every single one came out lumpy and misshapen.

The golden brown, well, at least he got that eventually. The first couple came out black and smoking, but he figured what went down the garbage disposal and Yui didn't know happened wouldn't hurt her. Not like he set the fire alarm off (which really would have blown the surprise, so he was grateful).

In the end, Yamapi gave up on the idea of pancakes that were actually round in favour of Yui actually getting birthday pancakes. He stacked his strangely-shaped pancakes high on a plate, set the plate in the middle of a tray, and arranged a cup of coffee, a small pitcher of maple syrup (that Jin brought back from America and he'd been saving because maple syrup was expensive in Japan, not to mention hard to find), and a little dish with pats of butter artfully around it. Last, he settled a little vase with a single daffodil in the top corner and picked it up.

Yamapi had the good sense to set the tray on the end table first before waking Yui up. He knew she tended to move a bit when startled awake, and it would be bad for everything involved if she knocked syrup all over the bed.

Once she was blinking groggily up at him, Yamapi set the tray over her lap with a flourish. "Happy birthday!" he said brightly. Her eyes cleared a bit at that, and she sat up gingerly, careful not to bump the tray.

Her mouth hung open in surprise but when she lifted her eyes from the meal back up to Yamapi's face, all he could see was happiness shining out at him. "Yamapi," she said with a touch of awe, "they're adorable. How did you make all of the pancakes heart-shaped?"

Yamapi grinned down at her. "Talent."


ginzarhapsody February 28 2009, 03:08:26 UTC
jkdghskjghsfjkghsfjgh <33333

i think i will repeat my favorite comment i made to you about this. but i love that i know the secret behind the maple syrup because i've just known you that long.

:333333333333 ZERBERT.


saturnianlove February 28 2009, 05:24:22 UTC


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