Feb 26, 2009 18:50
nikki can has benefits! yes, that's right. I've finally enrolled in my various benefit plans after much thought devoted to choosing my 401K. the most ridiculous part? the part i was putting off enrolling in, you just say whether or not you want a 401K plan through my company. You have to go in to fidelity separately in order actually pick what kinds of things the money goes to.
so in the QA process of my job, I get a document, I go over it and then make corrections to the document itself after re-saving it as a new version. Then it goes...to someone else, sometimes back to the author, sometimes off to someone else for approval. Sometimes you end up QAing the same document more than once as it acquires more incarnations. This one (big important) letter that I did (twice, first in the prelim stages, and then the 'final' version) got bounced back to me from Dennis (a fed, i.e. someone with sign-off power) telling me remake a change I did in version 8. Someone, somewhere between v8 and v10 (which i made per Dennis's request) snuck in another set of changes taking out my corrections. I re-corrected it with a very strong sense of indignation and 'HAH! SHOWS YOU!'
rofl yes. mature desu.
the improper usage of 'receipt' makes my eye twitch, but mel says not to change it because it will make it easier on the user and 'they're stupid. I personally have a hard time believing that people are too stupid to know their native language, but. people have a way of surprising you sometimes.
One of the ladies i went to the korean church sophomore year with works in my office! she's in the locked room, so i only see her when she's going to and from her desk, but. it's one of those things that make you go 'oh, dc is small ne'
why yes i am a bitch,
nikki no baka,