last night in

Feb 22, 2009 19:35

unknown MI number: Does being in Dulles airport make me slightly geographically closer to you?
nikki: Yes it does. who are you?

mom: Chinese believe babies come with some bad stuff and need special Chinese herbal med that tastes very bad. My mother's only condition for watching Jonathan (a cousin of mine) was that she must be allowed to feed him that chinese med
mom: too bad grandma was not around to take care of you so you would have been stronger and smarter.
mom: taller

I went to a new church this morning. i only got there, much less on time, by the grace of God. first i mis-set my alarm, but woke up by myself in time to get there, which is a minor miracle in of itself. Second, I was rushing, so i didn't have time to re-look-up the directions like i'd planned, which meant i was going to try to find it based on the metro stop it was at (the one next to mine) and a quick glance the night before at a googlemap. Since it didn't seem to be on the map in the metro, and i knew it was a fairly new church, it probably didn't have its own building, and i had no idea where it was supposed to be, besides 'on fairfax between clarendon and Virginia-GMU'. And I stopped and asked a couple of guys around my age for directions, and they were like 'follow us :D we're going there.' They were really nice, and one of their mom's met us inside, and she was also very nice, and they ended up giving me a ride home even.

oJoe: I try to communicate
I go "excuse me sir, a-chinga-changa-chong?"
yet no dice thus far
me: keep trying
eventually you'll find someone who speaks idiot

mycroftnext: when I went to temple with Aliza, I was pleasantly surprised to be fed afterwards. I had told her earlier that we didn't usually get fed after our church. so her dad went around to like the whole congregation introducing me as 'she's a mormon, and she goes to church for 3 hours and doesn't get fed!!!" like, this was the salient point of my personality

Linked to me by therelic, Drastically Redefining Protocol. I love this. like the burning. It was just. it's sweet but not so sappy my teeth hurt; it had its serious moments; and, most importantly, it had me laughing out loud over and over again. Totally worth it. i judge goodfic by how much i wish i were still reading it after i finish, and i've been wishing there were more for me all day.

mycroftnext: Annalisa: I wish I could get all of our parents together because they would either solve world hunger or something would explode
mycroftnext: possibly both

pimpin', quotes without context, mi familia, this is not my fandom (yet), church, my god is an awesome god, chinese

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