if you prick me, do i not...leak?

Feb 04, 2009 20:16

so the lunch i had yesterday was fab. ham and egg sandwich with pepperjack cheese melted into the egg, on an english muffin. :9

healthy kidney pulled out through vagina. don't worry, it was on purpose. ...ok, so that doesn't really sound better. IT'S A MEDICINE ARTICLE OK. ORGAN DONATION. linked by mycroftnext.

so it is february. i have realized this belatedly. this means that my january period decided to just. not. show up. :\\ not impressed, body. i even got weepy when i was supposed to have my period, only then the period never happened. so now i don't know if i can just wait for february's or if i should be wandering around waiting for the period to spring itself on me, like presents i send to other people.

There's a one hour challengecoming up, themed on JE love songs. You know you want to be there.

For dinner today, we went down towards the Rock Bottom Brewery, but ended up going to the Japanese place (called Shiki) that had just opened up right next to it. Today was the soft open, and everything (though they didn't have a couple of items) was 50% off. This is the only way the place would be worth it, because dear god overpriced. Chirashi for 19 dollars? I mean, really? it wasn't even that big.
Since it was half off, and we were hungry, mom got the butter honey sweet potato appetizer ($4) which was fab, once you got over the fact that you were eating like sweet potato at 4 times the actual price. It was really really good, though, and i now have plans for the sweet potato I've got in the fridge. As for myself, I got the tuna and avacado roll (6 pieces for 4 or 5 dollars). The tuna was really good, actually, very fresh, and the pieces were decent sized. It didn't come with wasabi, but we asked for some. It did come with a spicy red hot sauce (that looked like the kind you get in the asian grocery store in those big bottles with the green caps.) and a cream- or mayo-based sauce that was also spicy, but good.

For the entree we both got the same thing. I can't quite remember the name off the top of my head, something about sirloin. At any rate, it came out in a really really hot dish. It was rice and vegetables in a bowl, then on top was like a donut shape of raw ground beef, and a raw egg yolk sitting in the middle of it. Then, you mixed everything up so the meat and egg cooked and the rice on the bottom didn't burn. It was really good. The veggies were mostly spinach, some kind of long stringy mushroom, some carrot slivers. Good stuff. I'm pleased about my leftovers, but the thing normally costs 20 dollars, and considering the size, it's just not worth it. For 10 though, that was good. :Dv

stuck with a hand full of bandaids by homiten. go read this. pin, pg-13, office au.

i am going to miss my mommy :(

news, food: レストラン, food, pimpin', with the doom!, 寂しがりやじゃない, food=幸せ, quotes without context, mi familia, no one cares no really, please let me live through this week, posts of oblique references

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