
Feb 02, 2009 18:40

today has been semi!productive.
mum is still here, part because i am like DO NOT GOOOO T-T and part because it's going to crazy snow in the mountains between here and there until wednesday anyway. so! we went grocery shopping. much love.

my bedroom is mostly done. have to get the 'office' area out of boxes, the bookshelves are currently mostly empty because i left all of everything at home, and i need more of those hangers with the clips for skirts, but other than that.
The shoebox of a kitchen...needs a lot of work still.

So my uncle Paul seems to have died? I don't know what he looked like, as i don't think i've ever met him. it was kind of a surprise though; dad didn't even tell us he was sick.
speaking of, i wish dad would take better care of himself. :\

this apartment is dry as a packet of silica gel. my lips keep splitting, despite my near constant applications of lip balm. i've never been so happy to see the steam coming out of my hot water heater, it's like MOISTURE OMG YAY!
my internet is all set up though, including the router which is just. really exciting. i just had to set it up properly.

interview tomorrow jlkafekjaldlkjeijalkeag. actually, i'm not too worried (yet).

Happy Groundhog's Day, everyone!

wtf, hoobaloo!!, 寂しがりやじゃない, what; is this hope?, mi familia, please let me live through this week, with the random, teh internets = my sanity

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