
Jan 20, 2009 00:27

i'm not a huge FLISTCUTFLISTCUT kind of person, but i'd added a lot of people in order to pull that ficgames thing off. Now that it's over, the posts are all public and I've taken you off again as promised. Of course, it was a lot of people and lots of clicking little boxes, so mistakes happen. If we talked about keeping each other for a while and find yourself suddenly defriended (it's probably a mistake), or hey, if you just want to stick around, let me know please and I'll add you to the appropriate filters...which i never use anyway. :D!

feel free to pimp your contributions out btw; they're all really amazing and deserve a lot of love.

and to the rest of you, *spamspamspam* gomen nasai.

....saturnianlove wrote het!pin
    saturnianlove wrote more here!
    silver_rose88 wrote cute ryopi
    nihongofrancais wrote kame/me idek XDD
    nihongofrancais says i get around
    nihongofrancais continues my trashy fantasies :D
    nihongofrancais wrote kami (and rhey) in
    nihongofrancais wrote a thickening plot
    nihongofrancais wrote more
    nihongofrancais finishes up here with my solution to every love triangle and i love her for it.
    tinyangl wrote toma/maki maki/toma?
    maya_morning and tinybars wrote pin here
    maya_morning and tinybars wrote more here

nikki no baka, commentfic, commentspam gets its own tag now, i don't even know what to call this tag

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