
Nov 25, 2008 01:05

This fic is like my godbaby, I've been helping with it for so long.
Go read it. What Has Always Been There: part zero | part one | part two | part three | part four | coda |

Poll with the random. (tell me)

Meme: Leave me a comment and I will reply with why I like you. If I don't know you, I'll either make something up or tell you why I like your LiveJournal. You must pay for the privilege by posting a message like this one on your LiveJournal. (note: it might take me a few days to get through these if a lot of you decide to participate).

stresssss. also, unrelated, i officially hate everyone who is done with their fic.

i hate my life, pimpin', hoobaloo!!, with the doom!, someone just shoot me kthxbai, 曖昧っていいよねぇ, what; is this hope?, meme, with the random

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