there'll be peace when you are done

Nov 11, 2008 22:34

Had a dream that will make a really awesome indie film. We will need a really awesome composer. Anyone interested :D?

stillesprite: he cant be replaced. only a shadow of him can be found
stillesprite: but if it's a shadow that walks and talks and goes w/ me places i'll be ok ( Read more... )

food, myself, watch me be vain, hoya saxa, my god is an awesome god, annie, food しよう, i am so weak, quotes without context, mi familia, teh internets > my sanity, ♥ILU FLIST, dream, school

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mycroftnext November 12 2008, 06:29:35 UTC
Carry on my wayward son!

And you claim you know nothing about biology...

I'm proud of you and your beautiful diploma. And only a teeny tiny bit jealous. But that's my problem, not yours. It is very shiny and pretty. Much like JE only in so much better taste.

I...will make a wish list eventually. Really!

I'm going to give a tentative hooray that it's only a fungal infection and not cancer. Also hooray because there are many anti-fungals out there. I hope they're able to treat it.

*hugs* Sorry I missed you tonight. We were saying goodbye to Mike who reports to leave for Iraq at 0001 hours Wednesday (ie in about 32 minutes).


anamuan November 12 2008, 06:42:33 UTC
yes ma'am. it's stuck in my head.

i....don't know what you're talking about. biology?

I'm sorry to make you jealous T___T
georgetown only has better taste than JE occassionally. usually in terms of fashion.

you'd better. you have to make a wish for your elving anyway! might as well post it.

hopefully, yes. i think gong gong's immune system is supposed to be pretty strong? and also it explains the weird scans of his lungs.

*hugs* it's ok! we'll talk later <3 you know where to find me ne.


mycroftnext November 13 2008, 05:14:01 UTC
Your biological knowhow shines through in phrases such as "whammy bar muscle." :D

I don't know about that fashion thing. I saw many salmon pink popped collars on that campus...


anamuan November 13 2008, 05:25:50 UTC
oh, but see. it's sore because it is the muscle i use to use the whammy bar. it was part of the explanation.

yeah, but that was the students, not the institution.


anamuan November 12 2008, 06:42:56 UTC
i'd kind of missed your epic!comments.


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