(no subject)

Nov 10, 2008 21:25

farmer johnson needs help.

Beware the deadly lucratrice!

do i have any jrock fans here?

I am doing the happy diploma dance right now. still.
(honestly, i'm a little torn about my school right now. Got my MS in the mail today, and all its pretty latin script and the pretty georgetown seal, and it came with a georgetown-colored ribbon and said how they're traditionally displayed on the diploma. And so mom and i pulled out my BA and went in search of that one's ribbon because the translation last year needed to look pretty because that's what they handed to us instead of our actual diplomas so it didn't have random display tips on the back. And then I was cleaning the dining room table and found stuff about *cough* homecoming coming up (which was in october lol), and donating money, and diploma frames. And some stuff from jianjian's school about class rings (which are totally classy at smith yo. i want one XD) and there's just an immense pride in my school. On the other hand, this past year was pretty shitty all around when it came to the institution and i want to be bitter at them. idk. give it a couple of years i guess). world's longest parenthetical anyone?

It is really cold out today. It might be that time of year where i try to refuse to go outside for the rest of the cold months.
Also, the wall next to my (jianjian's) bed is colder than the window. Hello, wall. Meet insulation. You should really become better friends.

no school tomorrow. :D annie is having friends over (and i had to clean) D:

wonder of the moment: Why do you think people lock their fic journals?

i hate my life, other people's awesome, food, pimpin', nikki no baka, ;jkag;ljkag;lkja, hoya saxa, my god is an awesome god, annie, mi familia, no one cares no really, weather, posts of oblique references, the jianjian, school

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