dehydration headaches (and tartan)

Oct 17, 2008 22:59

shatteredinu is officially cute, according to public opinion. The only 'no' is her.

Woken up with a call this morning from Robert Half, saying they had my resume and asking whether or not I was an attorney. Apparently, having my resume =/= reading my resume (as in, the very top part, where it says where I went to school and notably doesn't include a law degree).

When mom asked who'd called, I said who, and she was like "...who's that?"
When dad asked who'd called, I said who, and he was like "but it was a woman."

mom and annie volunteer at the hospital, and mom wanted me to take a look at some (clip-on) earrings in the giftshop. they were old-lady earrings, but i got to walk home after (i had the choice of taking the car and coming back to pick them up) and took many pictures.

i can has irish accent y/y?

hoobaloo!!, nikki no baka, mi familia, i am so fucked it's not even funny, ♥ILU FLIST, sleep

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