too lazy for backdating.

Oct 12, 2008 15:04

too lazy for editing. this is yesterday's entry.

mom dragged me shopping yesterday. junk kind of groceries, and then to macy's to pick up the clinique stuff mom pre-ordered (bonus time). I got some lipliner for my eyes, but who knows. maybe i'll use it on my lips too.
and then mom made me try on a bunch of dresses.

mom: why would the lion have such long tongue?

We also all went up to Pittsburgh for annie's cello lesson today. Checked out a japanese place on Squirrel Hill, but they're only open for dinner hours. Then we went over to the Phipps Convervatory and used their restroom before heading back up to pick annie up.

Even though the Japanese place was closed (as was the mediterranian place up the hill, but for yom kippur), we did buy a three-pack of different flavoured baklavah and some hummus at this little greek place. They claim to have the best hummus in the city. We shall see. (excited)

Then we headed over to the strip district--and i fell asleep on the way. Totally slept through the whole grocery run. Except for the bit where the car's horn (as though someone had hit the hazard button) kept going off. Apparently, you can only turn it off with the car keys--there's no button inside the car (or at least, none i could find. and trust me, i looked) that turns it off. I've never gotten so many dirty looks. To add an extra layer of fun to things, our meter had run out (and mom wanted to make a quick trip one last place) so annie was armed with change and instructed to hop out and put money in if a meter cop came by.

Tonight I made dinner. Made that mango-chutney chicken stillesprite pioneered, but because I was making more chicken with the same amount of chutney, I added some sweet rice wine to it so it wouldn't reduce (burn off) too quickly. I also made a green bean casserole, because only me and mom are eating tonight, and we're the only two to like it. :9

So It's Me or the Dog has come to the States. No more fun accents. half my reason for watching gone. le sigh.

food, tv, america, food=幸せ, annie, food しよう, quotes without context, mi familia, dream, sleep, unproductive is my tokugi

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