following a fine american tradition

Oct 08, 2008 15:39

but taking what you want now with no regard for the future is stupid.

tim robbins: i want a smart person running this country, please

Had a dream where i was back in my 6th grade history classroom in order to take a japanese test. Japanese wasn't too difficult, but the proctors were mean. Then, after going back to sleep, had another dream that involved people yelling at me and my sisters for no reason, a very fancy wedding (not mine), and eventually, being (captured) lost in a giant catepillar's stomach (which was fine until the catepillar died so the legions of demon minions that lived inside started fighting to see who would be the next leader. Which meant my amnesty as a prisoner was up. There was a really weird scene where a female catepillar demon was trying not to give birth because it would be inauspicious for a child to be born the day the king dies.

shatteredinu: I have to go down to dinner now. So I shall pack you up <3

Last night at dinner, Dad changed one of my chopsticks out with a pencil. My chopsticks are yellow, and i was last to the table so everyone was rushing me, so i totally didn't notice. I thought he was going to die laughing at me.

mite mite :D

colbert: Putin's just jealous because america is winning the economic meltdown race. just like the space race, but instead of racing to put a man on the moon, we're racing to put a man in a barrel.

yuuchan's list

working back to waking up in the morning.

Dad's making dinner tonight. I was supposed to make my chicken, but he doesn't listen.

For one thing, he's a stupid shopper, in several senses. He doesn't go for what's on sale. He buys whatever it is that he wants, no matter the price, or the fact that it's going on sale tomorrow. On top of that, he's a stupid shopper in terms of what he wants. He has no conceptualization of what might be a good cut of meat for the kind of dish he wants to make, which helps translate into his not-a-very-good-cook-ness. He knows he'll get in trouble for his stupid shopping, so instead of stopping, or learning to be a better shopper, he waits until he knows mom's going to be out for several hours, and goes out and 勝手に grocery shops then. That's just. It's mean, pure and simple. And sneaky.
:| he shouldn't be allowed the credit card, i say. not till he learns how to spend responsibly.

Second, he's not a very good cook. He only makes what he wants, never mind if no one else really likes it. Even if we do like it, he doesn't do it well. He'll make a pork roast, and the rice is dry (to the point of crunchy) and half the pot is inedible the rice is the only part i like. that kind of thing. On top of that, he is totally incapable of making a reasonable amount. He always cooks like he's going to feed the entire extended family. 15 people or something, instead of 4 (5 tops). This would be fine--when I'm by myself, i'll often make 2-3 days worth so I can make something out of it the next day, or just heat up leftovers for a quick meal. But he won't eat leftovers. He just won't eat them. It's like, why make so much, if you know we can't eat it all, and you won't eat any of it after that night? it's a waste of food, and mom and I have to flail around trying to figure out how to eat all the leftovers afterwards. So he cooks mediocre at best, and generally just ruins mom's pots.
also the only spices he ever use are leeks, garlics and ginger. Those are all great. I love them. But i don't want to bathe in them. I'd like to be able to taste whatever it is I'm eating under the garlic and shit

Even him being 'considerate' isn't very, because he does things you don't want him to do (sometimes specifically ask him not to do) and then says 'eat it and be grateful,' when it would be better for everyone if i just did it myself. :\\ Like he'll go downtown and get me a coleman's fish sandwich. Now, coleman's has amazing fish sandwiches. I love them, generally. He's trying to be nice. But he'll go in the morning, then come home and wake me up, and be like 'I got you a sandwich. go eat it.' First off, i was sleeping. Second, I don't want a fish sandwich for breakfast. But it'll be soggy and cold if i wait, plus dad will be mad at me for not being properly grateful for the effort he went through to get it for me. Just don't get it ok? better for everyone.

Maa, but shikata nai. He's going to do it anyway. Generally before mom gets home, because she might stop him if it's after. And he's not going to listen to me. Plus even though mom doesn't usually like his food, and her pots are constantly in mortal danger, she wants to encourage him cooking because then at least he's doing something useful around here :\ why can't he discuss it with her first? いつもいつも勝手にやる、このやつ。 He can't be like 'oh, i want to make X wednesday' so mom does the appropriate shopping and sets him up with a good pot or pan for the job. He sneaks out and does it (stupidly) when she's not home. And then in an effort to be nice, mom won't grouse at him. Instead, she'll come and complain to me later.

This might convince me to go find a job.

wtf, someone just shoot me kthxbai, 曖昧っていいよねぇ, quotes without context, the pretty, i hate my life, tv, food, why yes i am a bitch, nikki no baka, i am angry!, idiotic is my new hobby, mi familia, dream, posts of oblique references, sleep, wow you suck, unproductive is my tokugi

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