
Sep 20, 2008 16:31

Happy Birthday to yuxo!!! Sorry it is late love, i meant to post this yesterday. I hope your birthday was all kinds of awesome.

I've got a hair that comes out of my head white (like, a wiry silver-white) and goes through blonde, through a slew of different brown shades (light to dark) to become black at the end. ....wtf. mostly it's the blond part that weirds me out.

My thoughts on texas toast: it's the right size, but it's not the same. *sigh*

I don't understand the psychology of it.

Anyone study abroad in France or the UK? Anyone study abroad using these people? Know anyone who did? Can i get your opinions please?
Anyone going to school/living in the UK that could give general advice?

I believe sometimes it takes years of hell to get you to a better place. That doesn't make hell a good thing, or even better. but maybe it makes hell idk necessary. please let this be the better place coming. we need one.

sillyandmorbid: because mommy would really like me to go away for the whole year.

Stuffed peppers last night. mmm. but i probably shouldn't have had the wine because i was so hungry by then. At any rate, was nicely tipsy until i ran out of wine. And then Seb came home and was like 'LET'S GO OUT!' and i was tipsy so i said ok XD. Jamie couldn't come because she caught a stomach bug T_T but i definitely came back happy, as sanctified_x could tell you. (shatteredinu just sent me links to optical illusions which was mean in my state).

I ate breakfast about an hour ago, despite being up for hours. I think i am making fried rice tonight. Also, flatmate is leaving. yay! though i will be totally without furniture for 10 days.

food, myself, nikki no baka, america, food=幸せ, quotes without context, posts of oblique references, socializing ftw

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