never fall asleep

Sep 16, 2008 22:35

HAPPY BIRTHDAY anime_heart! Wishing you a wonderful birthday ♥

Does anyone know how i can change the color of the text in my comment box or, preferable, how to change the background color of my comment box? I'd also like to know how to get the links to the comments down the side bar to say who's left them because it would be so much easier to navigate. HALP!

this is hilarious and maybe even emchan!safe.

bean: I don't know how to multitask.
me: i know.
bean: See? Everyone knows.
me: when you get a girlfriend, i'm going to tell her to go down on you while you're at your desk to see you fail at multitasking *beams*
bean: -____- You're really an oni, aren't you?
me: (^_^)y i do my best my work

hot hot hot pinkame just say yes to pinkame.

What the fuck is wrong with this woman? It's less than a week. If I'm not careful, i'm going slide into passive-agressive bitch mode :\

Went to campus, and I am graduating in August~ (yay!) diploma to follow in October. Then since i was there, i popped round the Japanese and Linguistics departments and said hi to whoever was around. Talked to Omori-sensei, Sato-sensei, and Rob ♥ Then i hopped over to the lib to bother Tego (like I'd plotted with her), but first i grabbed a croissant at the midnight mug because i was starving. Ran into Jinsok in the library. He's gotten a haircut. Didn't recognize him. (On the way to ICC, i ran into that Korean girl from my lx classes last term...what was her name...the one married to my Syntax TA).

Hung out with Tego, then went to see about a panel going on, but i found out about it from Rob, so i hadn't RSVP'd which means if there weren't spaces, too bad for me. It looked full, so i just went back to the library (where I spammed Sarah's fic) and bothered Tego until she got off work. We caught the 38B back to ballston and got dinner at ruby tuesday. Dad called. ♥ Then i caught the bus home. Now jamie and seb are having a row because he was 3 hours late and hadn't called. but i've staked my claim on the living room.

Type "(your name) looks like" into google, pick the four most interesting on the page and put them up. Don't forget the quotes.

4. Nikki looks like she's gonna puke in this pic

3. Nikki looks like a fucking sad clown

2. Nikki looks like a white cross-eyed cat that lives down the street from me.

1. Nikki looks like a body builder in her glamor shot picture

for future self reference: period may have started.

So what's this about the economy?

food, why yes i am a bitch, pimpin', myself, 疲れてるけど, wtf, nikki no baka, america, my god is an awesome god, quotes without context, mi familia, socializing ftw, meme, posts of oblique references, school

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