sky like the ocean on fire.

Sep 15, 2008 20:24

subject line is more apt than i'd imagined.

cynicalism has an interesting language question over here. It's been up for a few days, but I've been remiss in my lj-ing duties lately, so i didn't pimp it out until today. It's a really interesting question about language (writing) and identity (place), so pop over and give her your opinions on it.

anamuan: i love you more than gchat can express
sillyandmorbid: DAMN STRAIGHT!

Is it bad that I actually like Happy Birthday? Yeah, ok, the pv was lame, but NEWS always gets lame pvs. One where they spend money are the exception. But i like the song (yes, the first time i listened to it) for the tune, and their clothes are nice, though they might have been easier to see if the cg background wasn't primarily white. Also there were card-board box rollplay scenarios of the how-to for alcohol poisoning. Who can't love that?

watch me

Dinner tonight was very interesting, not for the food, or how it turned out (it came out perfect. *pleased*) but for the fact that MY STOVE CAUGHT FIRE. I was cooking merrily away and thinking that the burner was hotter than i remembered, but i hadn't used it in like, 3 weeks, so it was probably my imagination. And then suddenly, it's WHOOSHING ORANGE FLAMES. I turned the stove off and yanked my wok off the burner. And then watched it a bit while it put itself out. I guess Jamie had dropped something down into the burner while i was gone, and didn't bother to clean it out, so it started burning. Right, so, after a bit, i turned the stove back on (cautiously!) and when nothing burst back into flame, i resumed cooking and it was all fine.

I smell like smoke :\\\

pimpin', wtf, ;jkag;ljkag;lkja, quotes without context, the pretty, the jianjian, teh internets = my sanity, i don't even know what to call this tag, tv, food, commentfic, my god is an awesome god, why aren't you kidding?, bakanakoto, commentspam gets its own tag now, unproductive is my tokugi

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