why does anyone talk to me?

Aug 26, 2008 23:37


kitsune714: that's why i consider myself a baleen whale

kitsune714: it's like the yamapi theorum of compensatory stripping.

Nikki's gchat status: sekritly M?
rhey: which part of you being M is sekrit
me: :\\\\

peyton: secretly?
me: i hate you both

therelic: Aw, you're going to scare me if you keep being sweet like that. Where's that sarcastic, cuttingly witty you that shocked me so much at Jochi?

what sillyandmorbid almost said: i am a fool of solutions

Joe: tell her i said hi
or, tell her i said something filthy about her
either way
me: what shall i tell her you said?
i can't come up with filthy on my own
Joe: okay, now you're the one making me laugh with disbelief :P
me: what, you don't believe me?
Joe: i would vote you the filthiest-minded of your little group
and frankly i don't think it would be close ;p
me: what? me?

anamuan: Is ro giving it to you?
shatteredinu: she is now!

The Blogalyser reveals...
Your blog/web page text has an overall readability index of 12.
This suggests that your writing style is conventional
(to communicate well you should aim for a figure between 10 and 20).Your blog has 55 sentences per entry, which suggests your general message is distinguished by verbosity
(writing for the web should be concise).





Your text shows characteristics which are 49% male and 51% female
(for more information see the Gender Genie).
Looking at pronoun indicators, you write mainly about yourself, then the world in general and finally your social circle. Also, your writing focuses primarily on the present, next the past and lastly the future.

Find out what your blogging style is like!

Your result for The Heart Test...
Patron Saint's Heart

You are 20% Independent, 40% Idealistic, 50% Intimate, and 80% Indulgent!

The Patron Saint's Heart

Dependent, Realistic, Passionate, Indulgent

You are the most protective of hearts, the Patron Saint. You crave love and value harmony with your match. You are passionate and rambunctious, but at the same time you are observant and down-to-earth about your relationships. You care deeply for those you love and will watch over them as a guiding light. You are sensual and enjoy the fiery aspects of a relationship, but can also be needy and value you and your partner as one. For this reason, you will always be on guard to protect those you love.

Matches for the Patron Saint:

The Bleeding Heart

The Bleeding Heart craves love just as much as you do, and value harmony just as you. They are also passionate. Bleeding Hearts are more idealistic in their views, but you can very well appreciate such views, even if you don't agree with them. Bleeding Hearts need to be looked after, and will value a Patron Saint for being there for them<.br>

The Lonely Heart

The Lonely Heart shares all of your qualities, but is more intimate than passionate compared to you. However, this is a quality you can easily appreciate, and the Lonely Heart will cherish your protective and loving nature.

The Slave to Emotions

The Slave to Emotions shares your neediness and need for harmony in a relationship, but is more idealistic than you and values intimacy over passion. Both of these qualities you can appreciate, however, and the Slave will very much so appreciate your concern for them and will value your love greatly.

The Soldier of Fortune

The Soldier of Fortune is like you in ever way, though is a more self-absorbed and forthright than you are. You may appreciate such candor, and find that being with someone more explicit is a worthy challenge.

Your exact opposite is The Rebel's Heart.

Avoid Independents if you can. You are the type who needs someone to love you as much as you love them, and the Independent's tendency to be more of a loner can be difficult for you as a protector to take. Explicits may also be difficult for you to put up with, however, if you are willing to work at them (and being an indulgent you very well may be), you can make such relationships work. You might be the heart that is easiest to get along with, and can create a bond with anyone.
Take The Heart Test at HelloQuizzy

other people's awesome, nikki no baka, quotes without context, i am so fucked it's not even funny, teh internets > my sanity, ♥ILU FLIST, meme, posts of oblique references, with the random, unproductive is my tokugi

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