recipe [pepperoni rolls]

Jul 21, 2008 12:13

Pepperoni rolls

These are indigenous from my area, which is coal-mine, steel-mill country. It's said that they were invented because things like sandwiches are hard to eat one-handed while you work the face of a coal mine, which involves a lot of being hunched over, or even crawling or laying flat to get at the vein. And you're not getting paid by the hour or anything--you need to pull out as much as you can, which means you don't really get a lunch break. A pepperoni roll, though, it's all baked into the roll, the ingredients are relatively inexpensive (for when you're getting company scrip) and nothing can fall out. You can eat one-handed, still working, while still getting something like protein.

Because i am too lazy to make dough.
+Get frozen dough for rolls. the kind that's already broken up into segments is perfect.
+a packet of sliced pepperoni.

-let the dough thaw and rise.
-take a roll's worth and spread it out so it's about a quarter-inch thick.
-put slices of pepperoni on. i like about three slices per roll, but if you like pepperoni more, put more in. i also spread them out a bit, so that there's a fairly regular amount of pepperoni throughout.
-roll up, so that none of the pepperoni is showing and it won't break through the dough.
-put on a greased cookie tray
-coat the top with egg yolk for a pretty shine
-bake for however long the rolls say to. Ours were for 30 minutes at 350. (um. i think.) or until golden brown.

since you can't get them outside this area, you have to make them yourself. Fortunately, with a supermarket, they can be made very easily, with very little work oon your part. On top of this, they're really, really, really good. i can't even begin to tell you. Some people like to put a little cheese inside with the pepperoni too. We're not real big on cheese in my house, so we don't.

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