censorship: motherf**ker = father.

Jun 25, 2008 12:13

yesterday's yesterday, shukla was wearing a very interesting shirt. It was. it was too light to be lime green, and not eye-searing enough to be neon green. but it was close. It had white, half-dollar sized polka dots all over it. And it was a button-up.
My mind skipped over why is he wearing that? and went straight for where the hell did he even get that? and wait, they make those? and sell them? wait.

I'm obvioulsy playing catch-up with jthreesome fic, because it seems to be my lot to be perpetually playing catch-up with fic exchange fic. This one is obviously not mine, because it's pretty fucking awesome. Yamapi/Toma/Jin, and not emchan!appropriate all the way through, but. god. aside from a couple of case issues in coordinate noun phrases, it's just really, really good. the story. It makes me think of overlapping triangles and of spiderwebs.
I kind of flailed a lot more than i'd planned.

HAPPY BIRTHDAY jadedfrenzy!!!!!! ♥ your card will be late too, but this time will probably not include condoms.
HAPPY BELATED!! to partypaprika!! I'm sorry i missed it yesterday! i am like, blind or something.

colbert to will smith: i had every reason to distrust you and dislike you because you're part of the hollywood elite. How come i like you this much?

We're doing laundry in preparation for the germany-turkey game. And today, we are definitely cleaning up. It's gotten just a little too lived in, shall we say, around the coffee table (i.e. you can't see it for the books and papers and random items)

tv, pimpin', class, posts of oblique references

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