ニコニコ \( 〇 ⌒   ▽   ⌒ 〇 )/わぁい♪

Jun 14, 2008 13:26

Happy Flag Day, everyone!! Flag Day is my favourite uncelebrated holiday.(also, THANK YOU FOR ALL YOUR KIND BIRTHDAY WISHES. I. I JUST. KJ;LAFDKJL;FAD;JLKFA THANK YOU.)


went out with rocksizedheart last night to meet up and so she could 'buy me a drink' (meaning exchange presents) XD. we went to that beer place on P street the name of which i can never spell because it's too german. We got dinner as well, because starving, then wandered a bit about dupont, then back to her place. In our wanderings, i enabled (living up to my rep) her to get some nice smelling candles, and we set them on fire when we got to her place. I'm a bit of a firebug.

I taught her how to put her hand through a candle flame ♥ an important skill useful for many situations, of course.

I'm a bit upset about the period just in time for the birthday thing though. 2nd day, so hopefully there won't be cramps?/tmi.
ON THE UP SIDE, maya_morning has given me lovely, lovely birthday fic! And I've been plaguing shatteredinu with drabble prompts. They are many, and all lovely, and the best part is she's still talking to me after.

the first paragraph of a book on fanfiction i rec to everyone who's got an interest in either fic or meta.
It starts like this. Somewhere in cyberspace, someone complains: "I had a lousy day! Need some cheering up." Soon after, a friend posts a story dedicating the piece: "This is for you, hon--your favourite pairing and lots of schmoopy sex. Hope it'll cheer you up!" A third person chimes in: I can't believe it! What a great fic! I mean, who would have ever thought of gay penguin sex? It totally works! I love it!" "Gay penguin sex?" someone else adds, finding it hilarious, and in responose, she posts a poem she knocked off in five minutes flat, all about gay penuins having sex. "I'm taking two lines of that to add to my signature," someone else informs her in a comment and goes on to write a three-paragraph snippet of fiction based on the poem, which in turn results in--well, you get the idea. -- Fan Fiction and Fan Communities in the Age of the Internet, edited by Karen Hellekson and Kristina Busse (2006).
I think they forgot to mention the bit where you link all your friends there, and gay penguin sex becomes the next big thing. But maybe that would have confused first-time readers too much.

sometimes even I think i'm shiny brilliant.

other people's awesome, food: レストラン, pimpin', watch me be vain, with the doom!, ;jkag;ljkag;lkja, my god is an awesome god, i don't have tags for intelligent things, ♥ILU FLIST, with the random, socializing ftw

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