meandering is better with friends

Jun 12, 2008 13:42

anamuan: :\\\\\\
mycroftnext: That looks like smiley face getting crushed by cement truck.
anamuan: yes. that's a good description.

Last night we watched part of Zatoichi. Dubbed into Spanish. on telemundo. It was kind of weird in spanish. the little old man had a little old spanish-speaking man voice instead of a little old japanese-speaking man voice.

Happy Graduation, shatteredinu!!!

Having 1 and a half of the ridiculous sizes that stand in place of a 'small' in this country after 4, I went to bed at 5:30, when i realized that there was light coming in from outside.
it was foolish of me.

cobert: as a rule, Germans shouldn't do humor.

Yesterday we'd hoped to go on a blind double date. But we weren't anywhere near the internet when they (the website thingy) finally tried to set up a time/place. whoops. fail.
What we did do, though, was meet Hannah for coffee in Federal Center. stillesprite didn't know Hannah, but i guess she does now. She's going to china. Then, while waiting for a date-related text message, we decided to walk to the mall. When we got there, i was like 'oh! shiny building!' meaning the garden thingy by the capital, but unfortunately, special today and tomorrow, it closed at 5. at the time it was 4:56. So we wandered to a museum--it just closed, so we walked to the American art Museum up by Gallery Place. We saw bits of the first floor, and then i got a text message, but alas, they wanted me to get online (we'd thought we could probably conduct the whole thing via text). We called O-joe-chan to have him log in for us, but it was too late. When i got home later, we discovered that there's a 20 minute window to confirm. I thought it was weird, though, with the text, and then not having anything to confirm, so we went to the Law Center to use their library's email. First we detoured to Metro Center, though, because in the week and a day stillesprite's been here, she's had to buy three diff metro passes because all three have somehow demagnetised themselves. So we went to metro center to exchange them for new, shiny, magnetized ones. (goodness. my spelling is hoping continents again). Then we went to the law center, over by Union Station. We'd never been. It's a cute little campus, an oasis of sorts, but totally imposing from the outside. also, WHY IS THEIR LIBRARY SO MUCH PRETTIER? they get a rotunda. What do we have? a 1970's cheap imitation of Healy whose main characteristic is a 'UGLY.' not fair, yo. not fair. By then it was going towards 8, and we were hungry, so we decided to cancel the date entirely and go home and eat the wonderfully delicious stuffed cabbage stillesprite had made for us. It was good.
So, in conclusion, no fun blind date stories (yet, because i am determined to get at least one good story), but we had a good time exploring a city we've lived in for 5 years. And we spent a lot of time walking. (cf stillesprite's version)

silve_rose88 WROTE ME RYO/SHIGE!!! It's sweet and adorable and i just. jkl;afjlk;faj;klfa silver_rose88, you make my sun shine brighter.

stillesprite: jack black ate nagase. So they are singing together~.

all this swimming may convince me to stop trying to write.

kami's one hour fic fic. I. ok. So first i'll tell you what you're getting into. I had it described to me as 'pin friendship.' It's PG. The worst thing it's got in is smoking. You could call it that, I guess. But if i had to describe, that's not how i would. I'd tell you not to forget to breathe.
Also, from there you can navigate to the other participants' fic.

stillesprite has this random permint cooling foot lotion from the body shop. I'm a little in love. IT FEELS SO GOOD. we walked so much.

It's my birthday in two days, and mostly all i can think is that i'm not sure i'm ready to be 23. Like. 21 doesn't feel very long ago. and i remember when i was 21, that 17 felt the same. But now, thinking about it, the end of 22 is nothing like 17. I think i don't want 23 because it means that i really can't pretend i'm a kid anymore. *sigh* ok! whining over~
actually, i really like birthdays because they mean I'M NOT DEAD YET~ being dead would probably be pretty ok too, in that 'you gotta go sometime' kind of way, but i'm enjoying the not being dead thing quite a bit right now.

pimpin', 疲れてるけど, 迷子to iu ka, quotes without context, tv, food, nikki no baka, hoya saxa, america, swimmy swim swim, ♥ILU FLIST, with the random, posts of oblique references, sleep, socializing ftw, unproductive is my tokugi

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