
May 31, 2008 21:04

Back at school. Starts Monday. Mom and Annie took me down, and they're staying overnight. Annie came specifically to play X-wing, but it turns out I've only got the joystick; the game itself is at home. fail.

I have to confess, I've got a guilty pleasure. Those fluffy sweet, humorous, annoyingly stupid chick flick movies. I love them. They have card-board cut-out characters. They're so predictable. They're so painful to watch. And they perpetuate stereotypes and modes of thinking I really just don't agree with. I love them anyway.
Last night I saw 27 Dresses on tv. It had some of the most painful-to-watch scenes I've seen in a long time.
Of course, I loved it.

woman lives undetected in man's closet for a year.

Kevin: Likes caulk. (pronounced k-backwards c-k)

The penguins are playing. We're tied.
edit: oh. we lost T_T now we have to win all three remaining games to win the Stanley Cup.

rain makes me crazy.

going to sleep is like saying goodbye.

and these will be a staple of my entries until i get bored with posting it.
first is a link to genderswitch!femslash!PIN
Then, both tinyangl AND peroxidepest17 fulfilled my tego/ shige needs.
ryo/kame by mayamorning
and shatteredinu came through for me with that KAME PANTY FIC.
Be sure to check out the original post for links to other people's lists and to write me more because i'm still updating it.

fic wish list thingies:
tinyangl's is here,
maya_morning's is here,
cynicalism's is here,
shatteredinu's is here
iverin's is here
pinkpapyrus's is here
thawrecka's is here

nihongofrancais's is here (flocked),
jackoweskla's is here (flocked)
silver_rose88's is here (flocked)
kitsune714's is here (flocked)
asinful's is here (flocked)

news, tv, pimpin', annie, japan, mi familia, quotes without context, ♥ILU FLIST, school

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