more pointless than usual

May 29, 2008 16:22

mycroftnext: hiu2 with a hate so vibrant, it might be love

i keep expecting sillyandmorbid to come home, but then it's like, 'oh. she's in MA.'

anamuan: I will attack you with PIE!!!


mycroftnext: and then they started making jokes involving making kind of pervy plays off of hello kitty
mycroftnext: and that was just wrong
anamuan: ...
mycroftnext: but it totally made me think of you
anamuan: HEY! WAIT!
mycroftnext: awww. poor baby. the rep caught up with you
anamuan: I do not get off to hello kitty, thank you very much.

jianjian has overexerted her aliquoting muscles.

mycroftnext, on the seasone finale of NCIS: it's like watching another cheerleader try to steal the main cheerleaders boyfriend

i have discovered that the difference between girls' pants and women's petites is the hip space.

sillyandmorbid (to me): no offense, but why am i talking to you?

nihongofrancais: because you writing short stuff is norm. instant satisfaction.
nihongofrancais: me, not so much. i like to tease before i give you all of it.
nihongofrancais: wonder if this reflects on us outside of fic writing lol
anamuan: you're a tease?
anamuan: and i am dependable for quickies?
(we also had a v deep conversation about why Nobuta/Akira/Shuuji are only allowed to have insinuated sex (at most) places far away from my brain.)

I am looking for reliable information on ninjas. anyone know where i might find this outside of wikipedia?

linking to my fic request meme post thingy, because, ok. I am greedy, and i want these. Similarly, go visit the other people's and write them things. karma yo. kaaaaarrrrma. I'm still ahead of the karma curve. (Please don't make me beg).

nikki no baka, commentfic, 寂しがりやじゃない, quotes without context, ;_;, the jianjian, posts of oblique references, with the random, teh internets = my sanity

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