why jin?

May 20, 2008 17:19

angsty kamepi by maya_morning
tegoshige by tinyangl

we've spent a lot of time buying business casual and not enough time fuzzy piling, in my opinion. On the other hand, I did get some nice clothes out of the deal.
sillyandmorbid and I now wear the same pants size. This is exciting, because it means i capitalize on her good taste ( Read more... )

pimpin', watch me be vain, wtf, 曖昧っていいよねぇ, the jianjian, tv, food, commentfic, eigo, annie, mi familia, dream, ♥ILU FLIST, sleep, posts of oblique references, with the random, socializing ftw, commentspam gets its own tag now, unproductive is my tokugi

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gingifere May 20 2008, 21:38:36 UTC
CSI. I am still on season 5. I keep meaning to watch it but forgetting or moving onto watch something else. Typical.

Oh wedding invitations.

I really need to stop writing drabbles and get on with my jthreesome fic.


ginzarhapsody May 20 2008, 21:44:06 UTC
i feel you! i need to write my jthreesome too. D:


gingifere May 20 2008, 21:45:32 UTC
I have all of the ideas but none of the motivation. Never again will i sign up for a fic exchange!!


anamuan May 20 2008, 21:47:42 UTC
lies. you know you will sign up again. it's like a drug. you know it's bad for you, but you do it anyway.


gingifere May 20 2008, 21:49:46 UTC
yes but at least I'm exempt as a mod in je_ficgames! :D


anamuan May 20 2008, 21:56:02 UTC
not fair. :\\\\


gingifere May 20 2008, 21:58:22 UTC
*beams* Hey we have to do the organising bit! Although things are going pretty smoothly atm *touches wood*


anamuan May 20 2008, 22:07:43 UTC
that's true. i kind of fail at organising.

you know what you should sign up for? my fic shiritori, after jthreesome whenever i get it running. *hinthint*


gingifere May 20 2008, 22:11:53 UTC
well most of it is sollasollew11. She is incredibly OCD about being in control of things (which I am fine with as i am very lazy! :D)

Ooh fic shiritori. It sounds intriguing. Oh you and your subtleness. <3


anamuan May 20 2008, 22:15:53 UTC
in that case she should be the only one that gets out of it. :P

it will hopefully be fun! you should sign up~~ more unsubtle hints

oh, i think there was something about whichever ads six apart was trying to load that my web browser just didn't like, because it always got as far as that, and then gave up and froze. idek. it never did that at school.


gingifere May 20 2008, 22:24:42 UTC
Hey! I have to part run the comm and answer questions too!

Ooh. I remember seeing that a few months ago but that was when I didn't write. I am definitely intrigued. I'd love to take part! :D

Ahh. Hmm if you have firefox you can dl an lj-hook that I think removes ads for you. I might be wrong but I know that I dl something to remove ads from my lj. Thank god because wow are they irritating!


anamuan May 20 2008, 22:28:59 UTC
uh-huh. *pout* (you know, i'm not even sure why i'm giving you a hard time. because i can, i guess)

lkj;afklj;af what do you mean, you didn't write? you just started?? dear lord, you've been holding out on us :\\
also, yay!

i am thinking about it. no ads would be lovely.


gingifere May 20 2008, 22:33:28 UTC
Lol! Well I'd give me a hard time too if I was in your shoes!

Well I once wrote an awful Draco/Ginny fic when I was about 15, but I didn't write properly until I took part in an Akame meme over at ficwars. It was pretty awful. The first fic I posted was Lips Akame porn back in January of this year. Lol, typical. :D

They are wonderful. I am a real fan of lj-hook actually.


ginzarhapsody May 20 2008, 22:42:20 UTC
i tagged you for one-sentence fic tag. want to play? :DDDDDv


gingifere May 20 2008, 23:12:04 UTC
Ooh ok! :D


ginzarhapsody May 20 2008, 23:17:46 UTC
I'll tag you after I do mine. BRB :DDD


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