i need to work on this genre

May 13, 2008 22:49

Today I had dinner with friends

We dressed up. The tension was high.

Italian. It was a really fancy restaurant

Had to rush to get there
but the food was chou oishii

So much food! Just kept eating.

I had Joe's dessert too

Now I am at my friends' house.

Drinking apple sake

Eating green tea icecream.
It really hits the spot ne.

Sleeping over tonight

Good friends are hard to find ne.

My friends here
are really good too.
They often write me presents
like this and this and this.

Minna, please always treasure your friends.

food, pimpin', nikki no baka, teh internets > my sanity, i can't believe i wrote this, socializing ftw, food=幸せ

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