back with a vengeance

May 12, 2008 13:27

learned from stillesprite that it's diffusion, not osmosis. It explains my failed study plan. I was waiting for the wrong process to happen.

kitsune714: the thing with yamapi is that when he's live, and he messes up a song, he starts compensatory stripping
kitsune714: to distract you ( Read more... )

news, pimpin', nikki no baka, without the doom it's kind of disorienti, commentfic, quotes without context, teh internets > my sanity, posts of oblique references, socializing ftw, commentspam gets its own tag now

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die another day, not this one, because. FUCK. *________* 4_03_am May 13 2008, 14:02:29 UTC
i think this whole porn-fist-thing-in-the-morning is becoming too habitual for me, ougad. but obviously i can't break this habit when people keep writing things like THIS. sd;lkf;slkdf'; i have to be out in a bit, but wtf i'm instead of showering. ;___;

shifts closer to Jin and presses her mouth to the side of his, licks at the bottom lip slowly. The noise Yamapi makes goes straight to Jin’s groin, and he can’t stop himself from grabbing Yamapi’s hand, from pulling him close.

nnngh. this image, in my head. sexy sexy sexy.

It’s not until an arm is wrapping around Jin's waist and a pair of lips are on his neck does he even begin to remember that they’re not alone.

hello, you've got my heart beating at nine thousand beats per second here.

She moves back from Jin and kisses Yamapi instead, traces her manicured fingers along the defined lines of his abs and Yamapi archs into the touch.

*______* mmmmmmm.

Jin’s...pressing into Yamapi, watching through lidded eyes as Yamapi shares wet, open-mouthed kisses with the girl

*bites knuckles* dfsd;lfl's;d'fs;lfl

Jin...waits until Yamapi’s stopped drawing circles on the back of his hand before he’s even capable of closing his eyes.

this, god, this part. ;~; so adorable, idek, i love this.

and, umm, the ending? ♥_♥ amazing, amazing, amazing. i love it. this is going to stay with me all fucking day long. you just made my morning. *_*


Re: die another day, not this one, because. FUCK. *________* tatoeba May 13 2008, 17:09:58 UTC
And a;lsdkfjs you quoted too, I love when people quote back, makes me all giddy and tingly with a big grin on my face. :DD
And YAY to making your morning! Waking up to porn is always a good thing. XDDD
I am really so glad you liked it, ne. Thank you, Rhey, for such a lovely comment. :333 ♥♥♥


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