back with a vengeance

May 12, 2008 13:27

learned from stillesprite that it's diffusion, not osmosis. It explains my failed study plan. I was waiting for the wrong process to happen.

kitsune714: the thing with yamapi is that when he's live, and he messes up a song, he starts compensatory stripping
kitsune714: to distract you ( Read more... )

news, pimpin', nikki no baka, without the doom it's kind of disorienti, commentfic, quotes without context, teh internets > my sanity, posts of oblique references, socializing ftw, commentspam gets its own tag now

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are you still here??? D: tatoeba May 13 2008, 05:01:23 UTC
sorry to spam your page more Nikki, but since the other parts were here, figured i'd just add the ending here too. :\\

the last bit~ and omgomg my smut is sooooo wordy and stupid that this had to be cut into two parts. fail is me.
i apologize profusely in advance. :(

Yamapi maintains eye contact as the girl pulls down his pants, then slips off his shirt. She tugs at his hand, makes him join them on the bed, and when she notices their locked gazes, she smiles, shifts closer to Jin and presses her mouth to the side of his, licks at the bottom lip slowly. The noise Yamapi makes goes straight to Jin’s groin, and he can’t stop himself from grabbing Yamapi’s hand, from pulling him close.

Yamapi barely has time to whisper Jin before Jin kisses him, slow and steady, doesn’t rush, can’t rush, because this isn’t some girl he’s picked up at the club. This is Yamapi and this is so much more.

Jin’s not sure what to think, doesn’t know if he should think; Yamapi’s lips are soft and hot, sweet, something far too addicting, something Jin’s now certain he cannot live without. Yamapi purrs into his mouth, grabs for Jin’s elbows, tilts his head to give Jin better access that Jin’s more than happy to follow up on. It’s not until an arm is wrapping around Jin's waist and a pair of lips are on his neck does he even begin to remember that they’re not alone.

He moves away from Yamapi reluctantly, who looks just as upset as Jin does, if not more so, and they both stare down at the girl expectantly. She pouts far too seductively that Jin can’t help but laugh because it’s kind of cute, really, and he leans down to kiss her lips. She giggles into his mouth, her hand reaches for Yamapi’s, intertwines their fingers and pulls him down onto the bed. She moves back from Jin and kisses Yamapi instead, traces her manicured fingers along the defined lines of his abs and Yamapi archs into the touch.

Yamapi blindly grasps for Jin, and Jin grabs his hand quickly, squeezes tightly, but when Yamapi guides him to his erection, all train of thought vanishes from Jin’s brain. He's a bit hesitant because this, this is Yamapi, this is just a new world of things he’s not sure if he can handle. But when Yamapi pulls back from the kiss, turns and pins Jin with a completely wanton gaze, sighs and bites his lip, Jin wraps his hand around Yamapi’s erection, strokes slow and languidly.

Yamapi grasps at the bedside table, opens the drawer and pulls out a small tube that he throws at Jin. As Jin uncaps the top Yamapi turns his attention back to the girl, kisses down her throat, stomach bubbling at the sexy mewls she breathes into his shoulder. Yamapi bites down against her collarbone just a bit too hard when Jin presses fingers into him, sudden and burning, but when Jin strokes his hand along Yamapi’s erection, Yamapi forgets the pain and melts into the pleasure.

It’s almost too soon when Jin’s fingers leave and with a whimper Yamapi turns back to look up at him, eyes wide and full of something Jin can’t distinguish. He's not sure how to move forward in this jumbled mess, how to to deal with all of this. But he’s certain he can’t stop, can’t stop when Yamapi’s lying beneath him, writhing against his hand, body flushed with electrifying heat, sweat glistening at his forehead and trickling beautifully down the slope of his throat. The desire is too thick now, claws at his belly, eager to be released, and Jin’s not sure he has any energy to ignore it, isn’t sure if he wants to ignore it.

And then Yamapi breathes his name, nods his head just so, and that’s all Jin really needs as confirmation before he’s pushing inside. His moan is almost embarrassingly loud but the heat and tightness is far too unbearable, Yamapi’s cry is far too sensual, and Jin has to stop for a moment to catch his breath, to catch his heart.


FINALLY THE ACTUAL END AND I'LL GO DIE NOW tatoeba May 13 2008, 05:02:12 UTC
Yamapi moves first, a slight shift of his hips, and Jin grips at his sides, responds eagerly, sets a rhythm of lust and perfection. Jin’s never felt such heat before, feels dizzy from the overwhelming intensity of it all, pressing into Yamapi, watching through lidded eyes as Yamapi shares wet, open-mouthed kisses with the girl he almost forgot was there, too wrapped around the sensations that Yamapi was creating in him, and the sight of Yamapi slipping his fingers between her legs only pushes Jin closer towards the edge.

She whines into Yamapi’s mouth, rocks her hips in time with Jin’s thrusts, but Jin’s too preoccupied with watching Yamapi. He watches the slip and slide of his tongue against her lips, as pleasure dances across his face. And when Yamapi pulls away from her quickly, eyes clenched and head falling back, his free hand gripping Jin’s at his hip, Jin’s almost certain he’s never seen anything more amazing.

Whimpers tumble off Yamapi’s tongue as he shakes beneath Jin, and he’s moaning his name, Jin’s name, over and over again, and Jin needs nothing else as he follows after, fast and hard, his toes curling in pleasure he could have never imagined.

Blinking away the white behind his eyes, Jin rolls off of Yamapi, curls into his side and presses kisses into his neck sleepily. He hears Yamapi sigh contently, feels the bed shift as the girl rests by Yamapi, her long hair falling like a curtain over her face, bright green eyes falling shut as sleep claims her.

Jin feels awake for a long time afterward, waits until Yamapi’s stopped drawing circles on the back of his hand before he’s even capable of closing his eyes.
The next morning, he wakes with no one beside him, wrapped tightly in a bundle of blankets and a hangover that rings in his ears. His clothes are where he left them, scattered blindly across the room, but the girl’s, but Yamapi’s are no where to be seen. Jin grabs his boxers and pants from the floor and quickly slip them on, heads out into the apartment and stops as the warm smell of coffee tingles his nose.

In the kitchen he finds Yamapi in nothing but a pair of sweatpants that hang loosely around his hips and Jin swallows, has to tear his gaze away from dangerous areas and look up to meet Yamapi’s smiling gaze. Jin’s not sure what to say, how to explain last night, where to go from there. But Yamapi seems to understand this, hands him a mug of coffee that spreads warmth throughout his veins, leans close and presses his mouth to Jin’s.

He laughs at Jin’s startled expression as he moves back and leans against the counter, raises his mug to his lips, watches Jin from over the rim. Jin just sips at his own coffee and just when he thinks Yamapi’s not going to say anything, he does.

“The girl was kind of in the way last night.”

Jin chokes on his coffee and he stares with wide eyes at Yamapi who smiles.

“Maybe another time we could do it again without her.”

DDDDDD: *hides under rock of shame*


Re: FINALLY THE ACTUAL END AND I'LL GO DIE NOW anamuan May 13 2008, 05:05:10 UTC
NO DYING! NO SHAME! well. shame if it's poorly written, but i don't really expect that from you. NO SHAME!



Re: FINALLY THE ACTUAL END AND I'LL GO DIE NOW tinyangl May 13 2008, 05:07:00 UTC
asdfkjas;lfdjas well you know nikki's still here, and i just HAPPENED to still be awake. as;dlfkjaslkdfjalskdjf um. um. i think this is awesome. shame? wtf is shame? if this is what ppl are ashamed of.... ;alskdjfkasjdf um, no. THIS WAS AWESOME. THAT ENDING WAS JUST ;LKEJA;LSDJFLKAJLKD EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE. I LOVED IT LOVED IT LOVED IT. WOOT. GO YAMAPI FOR MAKING A MOVE. OHMYGOD. AS;DLKFJASLDFJ;.KSJ and don't get me started on the smut. (just don't. i'm barely coherent as it is.)


Re: FINALLY THE ACTUAL END AND I'LL GO DIE NOW tatoeba May 13 2008, 06:35:46 UTC
asldk shame as in shame because i haven't written smut for the longest time, plus i've never written het. D: so. yes. >.>


anamuan May 13 2008, 06:51:15 UTC
i love how het is what people graduate to writing in this fandom.


anamuan May 13 2008, 05:40:22 UTC
if it makes you feel better, my smut is always longer than everything else i write. PLUS I LOVE SPAM. OBVIOUSLY.

presses her mouth to the side of his, licks at the bottom lip slowly

This is Yamapi and this is so much more.
awww. ;_; love~


traces her manicured fingers along the defined lines of his abs and Yamapi archs into the touch

when Yamapi’s lying beneath him, writhing against his hand

feels dizzy from the overwhelming intensity of it all
idk i just like the description.

Jin feels awake for a long time afterward, waits until Yamapi’s stopped drawing circles on the back of his hand before he’s even capable of closing his eyes.
j;lkafdlj;kfaj;lk so cute!

watches Jin from over the rim
i like this a lot. it's very. easy. comfortable or something. I think of white morning light catching on the coffee mug and in Yamapi's hair.

Jin chokes on his coffee
*snerk* XD

also! sorry it took me so long to comment. i wanted to pull out lines.


tatoeba May 13 2008, 06:39:24 UTC
*FLAILS AT YOU* a;lsdkjfa;ew first off: I'M SO GLAD YOU ENJOYED IT. *insanely giddy*
and second: Why I love it when people quote, yes I do, and this made me feel all kinds of fuzzy and warm inside.
;alsalks I'm glad you thought the smut was good. It hurt my brain because I haven't written smut for ages and a;flekjalsd I've never written het before this so. :\\\\\ *was incredibly worried*
But you liked it and I'm happy. :333 Thank you for such a nice comment, Nikki. ♥♥♥♥♥♥


anamuan May 13 2008, 06:51:53 UTC
<33333333 i love when people love comments i leave them ♥


die another day, not this one, because. FUCK. *________* 4_03_am May 13 2008, 14:02:29 UTC
i think this whole porn-fist-thing-in-the-morning is becoming too habitual for me, ougad. but obviously i can't break this habit when people keep writing things like THIS. sd;lkf;slkdf'; i have to be out in a bit, but wtf i'm instead of showering. ;___;

shifts closer to Jin and presses her mouth to the side of his, licks at the bottom lip slowly. The noise Yamapi makes goes straight to Jin’s groin, and he can’t stop himself from grabbing Yamapi’s hand, from pulling him close.

nnngh. this image, in my head. sexy sexy sexy.

It’s not until an arm is wrapping around Jin's waist and a pair of lips are on his neck does he even begin to remember that they’re not alone.

hello, you've got my heart beating at nine thousand beats per second here.

She moves back from Jin and kisses Yamapi instead, traces her manicured fingers along the defined lines of his abs and Yamapi archs into the touch.

*______* mmmmmmm.

Jin’s...pressing into Yamapi, watching through lidded eyes as Yamapi shares wet, open-mouthed kisses with the girl

*bites knuckles* dfsd;lfl's;d'fs;lfl

Jin...waits until Yamapi’s stopped drawing circles on the back of his hand before he’s even capable of closing his eyes.

this, god, this part. ;~; so adorable, idek, i love this.

and, umm, the ending? ♥_♥ amazing, amazing, amazing. i love it. this is going to stay with me all fucking day long. you just made my morning. *_*


Re: die another day, not this one, because. FUCK. *________* tatoeba May 13 2008, 17:09:58 UTC
And a;lsdkfjs you quoted too, I love when people quote back, makes me all giddy and tingly with a big grin on my face. :DD
And YAY to making your morning! Waking up to porn is always a good thing. XDDD
I am really so glad you liked it, ne. Thank you, Rhey, for such a lovely comment. :333 ♥♥♥


ha! like i have a life anamuan May 13 2008, 05:03:32 UTC


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