back with a vengeance

May 12, 2008 13:27

learned from stillesprite that it's diffusion, not osmosis. It explains my failed study plan. I was waiting for the wrong process to happen.

kitsune714: the thing with yamapi is that when he's live, and he messes up a song, he starts compensatory stripping
kitsune714: to distract you ( Read more... )

news, pimpin', nikki no baka, without the doom it's kind of disorienti, commentfic, quotes without context, teh internets > my sanity, posts of oblique references, socializing ftw, commentspam gets its own tag now

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mycroftnext May 12 2008, 19:17:55 UTC
So, I loved Tin Yangl's comment!fic so much that I started writing a drabble in that world. Shall I comment!fic it to you?
Apparently this is becoming my place in fandom: I write fanfic of fanfic. Kawaii sou to the max!

Has any of your family been affected by the earthquake? If so, do you know if they're ok?

kitsune714 has an excellent point. I'd never thought of it that way!

I saw that shatteredinu had posted that fic you were bugging her about incessantly. I almost left her a comment on that post just comforting her about having been bullied so much, but I didn't think it would do much for your point about posting if I said "I haven't actually read it, because I don't like smut, but feel better anyway!"

I think you need to translate that clip of what Jin says and does not says. Yes, yes I do.


anamuan May 12 2008, 19:24:18 UTC
ummmm. a) my family is from southern china. waaaaay south. b) most of them aren't there any more. communists didn't like christians much.


yes! i think you should tell her that if you read smut, you'd like it very much.

He says something like "To everyone who came today, thanks.(as he stumbles over it). In response to everyone who came *looks confused as he realizes he doesn't know where he's going* we also...properly did it. *embarrassed laugh as DOWNTOWN LAUGHS AT HIM* Today, today, everyone GOOD! *thumbs up*"


mycroftnext May 12 2008, 20:45:06 UTC
Ack! I thought you weren't here, then I got called away, so I couldn't return. Stupid life. What is it thinking?

I'm glad most of your family was out. I knew they weren't from the epicenter area, but I also saw that they were evacuating people as far away as Beijing, so I thought I might ask.

I ask because I can never get the courage to comment blind. I need encouragement, yo. So I will give you the bits I've developed immediately following.

Um...I still don't see that as particularly confidence building.

Wow. Jin speaks better jibberish than I do. That says something!


anamuan May 12 2008, 20:55:35 UTC
well, if anyone i know was involved, no one's told me.

SURPRISE FICBITS ARE THE BEST. like i would ever ever ever turn down your ficbits.

ummm. well. you could just try saying something to make her feel better about me and rhey.

he's very special. dakara koso native language = fail.


Ficbit 1 mycroftnext May 12 2008, 20:53:15 UTC
Jin wondered what wind felt like. Not his wind, but the kind everyone else felt. He suspected that it somehow meant something different to most people - probably even the other members of his team - but he couldn't conceive of how his element could be experienced any different way. Wind was his friend, his burden, his talent, his comfort, his weakness, his gift, and more. He understood implicitly its fundamental nature, knew all its secrets, and, in turn, wind knew all his; in many ways their secrets were exactly the same. Theirs was a symbiosis of souls, so he could never quite comprehend wind separate from the intimacy they shared. But that didn't stop him from wondering.

more to come...


Re: Ficbit 1 anamuan May 12 2008, 20:58:34 UTC
it's like wondering what your native language sounds like to people who don't understand it.


Ficbit 2 mycroftnext May 12 2008, 21:01:45 UTC
It had never bothered him before. He had a gift; he used it. Maybe if he looked a little deeper he would have discovered a satisfaction at helping people, a moral imperative, but those were always secondary to just being able to do what he did best.

But then he met Tegoshi. He had received assignments from him for years, but he had never really seen him, experienced the power that he wielded. Tegoshi awed everyone. They respected him, even feared him. At first Jin thought he was feeling the same things as everyone else, but his awe turned into fascination. Then he had met Uchi.

tbc... (I write shorter comment fic since it takes me so long to do it!)


Re: Ficbit 2 anamuan May 12 2008, 21:06:19 UTC

the tone is so different, but it's still so much fun to read.


Re: Ficbit 2 mycroftnext May 12 2008, 21:44:08 UTC
Is the tone different from the first part I wrote or from tinyangl's tone? Because I'm ok with the second option, but if it's the first, I might have to be a little worried.

But I'm glad you like!


Re: Ficbit 2 anamuan May 12 2008, 21:48:18 UTC
different from tinyangl's.


Re: Ficbit 2 mycroftnext May 12 2008, 23:37:34 UTC
Oh good.

You know, it's funny you should mention that, because in my head it's all the same, because I'm thinking of the same universe. I'm sure that as soon as I go back and read her versions I'll see the difference, but for now it feels exactly the same, just because I'm in the middle of it.


Re: Ficbit 2 anamuan May 12 2008, 23:39:38 UTC
don't get distracted from writing.

speaking of writing....


Re: Ficbit 2 tinyangl May 12 2008, 21:29:18 UTC
Dude. UCHI. wow. um... i don't even KNOW. ;lasjdfkajsdflk what are you thinking here? *totally curious*


Re: Ficbit 2 mycroftnext May 12 2008, 21:41:52 UTC
I've just started inventing canon for you! I'm so sorry. This is apparently how I express my love for fic; I start writing in the universe. Don't feel obligated to keep it or follow it or anything; I just started thinking about what it would be like to have magic powers and it totally snowballed into subplots and NewS and how the suspensions would fit in and heaven only knows what else. I'm not even sure quite where it's going, but I'm really glad you...liked it?


Re: Ficbit 2 tinyangl May 12 2008, 21:44:58 UTC
oh dude, don't apologize! I've been trying to figure out how to bring NewS in. And it's why I pulled Massu in at that epilogue. And then my original idea was to have KoyaShige as the Princess' bodyguards and that was THEM (or at least a rough idea, i might've changed it at some point). but I hadn't been able to pin down Uchi and Kusano. So you are awesome and i really love you

and how are we not friends yet?


Re: Ficbit 2 anamuan May 12 2008, 21:49:43 UTC


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