bring it

May 05, 2008 15:30

Happy Cinco de Mayo~

I think part of the problem is just that i've run out of panic. And besides the panic what really was motivating me? not a whole lot.
I just. kind of don't care anymore. I'm good at 我慢, but bad at 頑張る.

i am disappointed that microsoft word doesn't know 'deixis'

I kind of love this a lot. Akame fic. Safe for Emchan. I don't care if you don't like them. I still rec this to you.

took me 2 hours to get home because pubtrans hates me. Though, i suppose if i were smarter I'd have taken the GUTS bus to Rosslyn, hopped on the train, and maybe gotten home half an hour earlier.

i never realized how easily you can see schools of thought. my teachers' teachers influence broken down into the things i buy into and the things I'll never accept.

sillyandmorbid: Yay! I think it was the cat yodelling.

there are all these little buggies that are getting in through my screen. They're smaller than the holes. idk what to do, because well. they're just kind of annoying, and i'd rather have my window open than not.

spent some time looking through the hate meme. Do you think there are classes somewhere for hatememing? because it seems like we suck.

sillyandmorbid: i had this awesome gchat with sillyandmorbid yesterday. here is stuff i ran out of space to say:

Fwd: Reminder: NEUROLUNCH. Anomia.
um. idek. i don't think i want to.

I miss sebastian. Jamie was cleaner with him around. I'm back to discovering and throwing away banana peels again. And then always taking the trash out by myself. And the dishes just kind of pile up in weird places and on counter surfaces instead of going in the washing machine. WHY IS IT SO HARD TO THROW SOMETHING AWAY. god.
I will be very happy when she leaves on the 8th.

went to school, turned in stuff. Ran into Hirono and Jinsok (like i was hoping i would) and we got lunch. And then gelato. :9 lunch was nasty, but. icecream = good.

so, one more paper to go. Essentially, i wrote 15 pages in one day, because i spent most of saturday combing through eye-bleed-inducing transcripts and finishing that process of getting my data together.

one more paper to go, and i am so done with this shit. 4 days. please, maybe can be 6? if he gives me that extension But these next four days are going to suck because, well. I've got a lot of research to do on this one, a lot of analysis to do on this one, and 4 days is long enough for me to forget that 30 pages cannot be written in one day. Just. I can't. i wonder if i can get away with 25... no, probably not. I'm also stuck doing a lot of last minute research because it didn't occur to me until after my final presentation that just because no linguists look at South Asian Americans doens't mean that no social scientists do.

There are not many people who study South Asian Americans. They all have the last name of Shankar.

And there goes my semblence of keeping a normal person sleep schedule. I woke up at 8:30 or so despite going to bed at 4 because, i guess, i'm used to waking up at 8:30? But i'm too tired to go on, so naptime. i look kind of like jin during keep the faith, only worse.

疲れてるけど, 迷子to iu ka, someone just shoot me kthxbai, quotes without context, i am so fucked it's not even funny, please let me live through this week, teh internets = my sanity, the jianjian, with the doom!, i hate myself sometimes, lx or bastardizations thereof, why aren't you kidding?, posts of oblique references, sleep, homework, socializing ftw, school

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