if the silence takes you

Apr 16, 2008 17:19

I wish i could make my subject line the crackle-hiss of radio static.

Mikey: when she realized a t or a d, she really realized a t or d.

There was a bee (actually, there were a couple) in P&P today. It amuses me that a class of graduate students (i'm probably one of the youngest there) still react to bees in the classroom like elementary school students. A kind of collective panic where we all try to stay in our seats, but also try to keep the bee as far away as possible. Even Rob.
Rob: Go away, bee.
(and then a little later) rob: is it still following me?

It's another gorgeous day. If we can just keep this weather. please.

Today was medieval day. I've never had a chance to see any of the activities, because I've always managed to have class during the fun ones. So today I got to see them set up for human chess. I really wanted to stop, but my friends wanted to eat more. And not the pig roasted behind the chessboard. *sadness*

wideband: new GU lx grad student shorthand for when you say not what you meant to (and usually, when you accidentally said the opposite of what you meant).

Oh! I forgot to mention something that happened yesterday at the language table. Well, ok, let's start by saying that the Japanese people were trying to fill out class surveys for students who needed more Japanese peole for their projects. Both were on dating, but they were also skewed toward younger respondents, so some of the questions were tricky (do you have a boyfriend? for one. which, as Omori sensei pointed out, 'however i answer this i'm in trouble') This somehow morphed into a discussion about Shounentai, trying to remember their names, and gossiping about what they're doing now XD Thanks to certain parts of my flist, i knew who they were talking about ♥

Also amusing from language table was when Mori-sensei said that it was ok to ask people out by email and got in trouble with the rest of the table because 'They didn't have email when you were in college!'
Then, later, on some similar point, this exchange occured:
Mori: Isn't that right?
Kaori: ...Why are you asking me 'isn't that right?' like that?

rob: phonologists are abstract.
anastasia: (mouthed to me) Flaky.
The best part was her expression. total perfection.

I think i like recitation with Lissa better than with Kirsten.

lately i've been having trouble remembering if i've taken my pill. I think i do, because i usually have pretty clear memories of taking the pill out and putting it with my meal, but then later i look around for it, and it's gone, which implies that i already took it.

anastasia: Can vowels be devoiced after other vowels?
rob: *blink* where did that question come from?
anastasia: (beat) I don't know.

Lunch with Hirono and Jinsok and Uno's. Which was conveniently right outside my bus stop.

I'm going to miss phonology class a lot. But, not for the subject matter, even though i love that a lot. I'm going to miss having class with those people. Classes like phonology, syntax, and S&P, everyone has to take them, and you usually take them your first two years. Those are the classes you make friends in. It's taken me most of the term, but I've got my friends now. It would take about another sememster to really solidify those friendships, I think. I'm not going to have that semester. I don't want to have to say goodbye to these people just yet.

Anyone else think that these new five dollar bills look weird as hell? It's going to take me a long time to get used to the ~*~purple~*~.
Actually, in a lot of ways, it just doesn't feel like 'money' anymore. American money is supposed to be boring and green, and hard to tell apart from a distance. Only other countries get things like cool colorful money.

Blake: Bells and Yinyang deletion.
Blake: Bells delete before frowny faces.
Anastasia: Bells also delete before pisces.
(from field methods. when someone had done their coding in a font that the school computer didn't have, and it showed up in wingdings.)

Mostly, I just want to crawl into bed and take a nap. Instead, I should go spend some quality time with a lot of data.

wtf, 寂しがりやじゃない, quotes without context, the pretty, i am so fucked it's not even funny, other people's awesome, food, i am really bad at this 'hiatus' thing, class, idiotic is my new hobby, i hate myself sometimes, japanese, lx or bastardizations thereof, bakanakoto, weather, ;_;, sleep, homework, posts of oblique references, with the random, socializing ftw

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