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iverin April 8 2008, 22:09:46 UTC
there is a very troubling lexical gap in english: the contraction of 'am not.' am't. I think we need it.

Oooooh, this is what "ain't" is for in Texas. XDDDD


anamuan April 8 2008, 22:13:55 UTC
I thought "ain't" worked for all persons.

You ain't goin' out tonight.
I ain't goin' out tonight.
She ain't goin' out tonight.
They ain't goin' out tonight.
We ain't goin' out tonight.
(and so forth)


iverin April 8 2008, 22:15:43 UTC
It's a very useful made-up hick word!


anamuan April 8 2008, 22:21:46 UTC
well, it's more systematic. and fills a lexical gap in the standard!

but i will still prefer if there was one for english i use.


iverin April 8 2008, 22:23:08 UTC
8D Then you should definitely use "am't". It's fun to say.


anamuan April 8 2008, 22:28:14 UTC
I think i shall.


anamuan April 8 2008, 22:28:53 UTC
i really wanted to work "am't" into that reply, but i couldn't make it work. ;_;


4_03_am April 8 2008, 22:30:51 UTC
"I am't averse to that suggestion."


anamuan April 8 2008, 22:43:37 UTC
you're better at this than i am. I'm so futsuu. :|


iverin April 8 2008, 22:31:12 UTC
XDDDDDD Well I will be expecting to see it soon.


anamuan April 8 2008, 22:42:11 UTC
I am't making any promises, but I'll try to do my best my work.


iverin April 8 2008, 22:43:25 UTC
A+! <3!


thinking_lotus April 9 2008, 00:29:52 UTC
It's "amn't," is it not?

I remember when my son first used it on his own, it was soooooo adorable and clever I couldn't bear to correct him. I guess I fail as a parent. I think he was 2 or 3.

otoh today he (nearly 11) used some word very cleverly but now I can't remember which. It was proper English, though.

Although, isn't "I'm not" the equivalent of "amn't"? I always wondered why nobody seemed to mention that.


anamuan April 9 2008, 00:40:45 UTC
I. I suppose it is "amn't" to fit in with the rest of the English orthography. I didn't think to put the 'n' in because you'd never actually pronounce it with nasal place assimilation rules in english.

;jkfajl that's so cute.

Yes, it's the same meaning, i suppose, but it doesn't match the rest of the set. it made me sad. If i can say "I wasn't" i also want to be able to say "I amn't"


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