rain again

Apr 07, 2008 22:28

i can't seem to get away from it. or the cold. but it cold be worse. it's coat weather, but not 3 layers + coat weather, so i shan't complain.

Posted over on jackoweskla's journal. this was cool.

either seb has finally left, or he's gotten tired of cleaning because the kitchen is abso-fucking-lutely disgusting. Dude. THROW AWAY THE STYROFOAM AT THE BOTTOM OF THE CONTAINER YOU BOUGHT THE FISH IN. HOW HARD IS IT. also, it's gross to walk on the floor. :\\\\\\ Nikki is not pleased.

Condoms ゲット! They'd got rid of the pretty colorful(ly packaged) ones, so I'm afraid they're kind of boring, but. Sometimes you just have to make do.
Actually, it was a bit of a hostage situation. I got threatening emails and text messages from Tego telling when to make the pick-up

Took a driving tour all over DC this morning. Dad dropped me off at school on his way back to WV, since he'd be going past it anyway. We. We got lost (my fault). And ended up in SE. And then drove past the monuments. And then turned around. And then drove pat them again a different way. and eventually got to school. I was still (just barely) on time.

So i was up till 3 figuring out how to cut out clips from my interview and post them to BlackBoard. Turns out (supposedly), the email she sent us around 9 pm sunday night was a mistake. Actually, she wanted them for Wednesday, as was said originally.. Any other teacher, i'd have said 'oh, this is a typo' but with this one, you can just never tell.
Consequently, I didn't get my article read, or the summary made up. I did it, very rushed during my break today. Actually, i made up my summary without finishing the article ^^;;; BUT! it turns out I'd sucked all the main points out, and presented them both succintly and in a way that was easy to understand. GO ME!

I am absentee ballot voting now. Who do i want for assessor? what is and assessor? I'm kind of tempted to just write myself into everything because i don't know who anyone is. :\
!!! Byrd is not running OMG DID HE DIE? something is just. off about the world without him in office. HE'S BEEN THEREFOREVER YO. (i should make it clear that i don't particularly care for him. it's just kind of like coming home and finding the toilet has been removed).

p&p. still like phonology. the features quiz sounds like it's going to be a bitch though. Yay! Distinctive Feature Day (sunday). party in the library~

lunch with hirono, jinsok, and two girls from cct I met today. Yunny and Lee. It was at this italian place down on wisconsin, Filomena. The food was good, the portions were big, and all entries came with the salad bar. I had so much food. :9
i miss posting about food. ;_;

last class was good! we got to see two presen rob gave over the past year (including the one he was in amsterdam for), and we got to talk about indexicality, and the two prospective students who'd sat in on field methods also sat in on LangID.


food: レストラン, nikki no baka, i am angry!, class, lx or bastardizations thereof, bakanakoto, weather, socializing ftw, with the random, homework, sleep, school

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