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lion April 2 2008, 00:34:17 UTC
how do you do the fic thing personally? do you have ships? are they, like, hardcore, or just vague preferences? would you/do you read other pairings? Why or why not?

I ship both Akame and Pin, and Ryopi, and Koki/Kame, and Jin/Junno, and Koki/Jin, oh, and Jin/Ueda, and Ryo/Jin... I like everything, basically! I'm not hardcore at all, so I can't see me not wanting to read all sorts of JE pairings -- I prefer Pin to Akame, but I'll happily read both.

I suppose I'd class Pin as my OTP, but all of my other ships are something I enjoy, something I love writing and/or reading. I don't have many vague preferences, for example, as I get quite into all this. XD

I do try and read all sorts of things, though, as there's little in JE that seems implausible to me now...;)


anamuan April 2 2008, 02:25:17 UTC
I guess what i meant by 'vague preference' was more along the lines of 'mixing and matching is ok.' Something like, while you might have favourite ships, they're not totally necessary for you to read a fic. I'm still not really sure how to phrase that concisely.

So are you primarily a KAT-TUN fan?

Thank you for answering!


lion April 2 2008, 09:41:13 UTC
Ahh, okay! :) Then yeah, I think that applies to me. There's some ships that I don't tend to read (Uchi/Ryo, Tego/Massu) because I don't like them, but generally I'll read any fic that I think looks good!

I am primarily a KAT-TUN fan, yeah. :) I like NEWS a lot, too, but KAT-TUN is my favourite band, so. ♥


anamuan April 2 2008, 23:50:23 UTC
Kind of a tangent, but, what makes a fic 'look good'?


lion April 2 2008, 23:55:28 UTC
I often go on recs from friends, that's one way I tend to read a lot of fic. In communities, though, I think sometimes the summary is a good way in -- if a summary sounds funny or interesting, I'm almost certain to read regardless of pairing. I also pay attention to genres: if a fic is labelled as angst, I'll think twice, as I'm not mad keen on angst. Then again, it often just depends on how much time I have -- on a good day, I'll give most things a try and see if the first paragraphs grab me, but sometimes I find that I don't have nearly enough time to read fic...


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