
Mar 31, 2008 20:39

I want to go friends only just so i'd have an excuse to have a cute FO banner. :\

pimping without permission yet again. But it was a lot of fun. tinyangl wrote Nakamaru/Jin!Gen. commentfic in peroxidepest17's AU universe, with KUT-TIN.

so yesterday was a very long day. It started nicely, with nihongofrancais coming over for a bit before my flight, and we basically just sat around in the hotel room, peer pressuring each other into things. :Dv good times.
Then mom drove me to the airport (we got lost on the way and took a tour of the rental car facilities because mom, apparently, can't read).

nihongofrancais: i can watch you sleep.
anamuan: ... THAT'S CREEPY

Got through security with relatively little mishap (i did have a little trouble with my belt. it didn't want to come off), and onto the first plane. We got on, and pulled away from the gate, and then we got told that our flight window had been postponed, so we had to sit around on the plane for half an hour.
Got into Chicago a little late, but not too worried about catching my next plane, and then. found out it had been delayed. by a couple of hours
so instead of getting into reagan at 11:30 (pm), which i thought was awfully late already, since i've early monday classes, I was due to get in at 1:37 am. erm. sore ni, my bus home would have stopped by then.

rocksizedheart was a total sweetheart, though, and said she would come get me when i called her. 助かったよ!And you also saved me from bursting into tears at the Chicago airport from an inability to react properly to small disappointments in public spaces. ♥

wakikaki: Yesterday we explored Nancy and all it's joys. It has this tiny little zoo that is possibly the saddest zoo in the world. Even the chimpanze looked clinically depressed.

So rocksizedheart and tego came and got me from the airport at 1:30 (am), and then i hit my head on the trunk somehow, because i am special like that.
I also almost left my computer in her car. But remembered before they'd gotten very far, and they were sweethearts again and brought it back.

"It's Akame. They like anything."
XD don't get me wrong. I like akame too. It was just. such a funny line.

Then i was up until 4 finishing my phonetics project. god. so tired. Woke up at 8, and actually made it to my first daikirai na class. Tried valiantly, but failed to stay awake through phonology. We learned about all the common phonological processes, with example data sets (lenition! fortition! metathesis!)

Went and grabbed lunch at tombs with Hirono and Jinsook.

Then, because evening class was cancelled, I went up to Rock Creek and got my interviews set up! w00t! i hope they go well. THey're tomorrow and the day after, so. I also had a decent cup of coffee, and slept poorly on the way home.

Daniel's gmail status: Married.
ljk;afjlk;fa HOW CUTE IS THAT?

I am having a group chat with shenron118 and sillyandmorbid. jkl;afjlk;fa it's too awesome. my brain can't take it.

pimpin', 疲れてるけど, nerdly ftw!, 迷子to iu ka, someone just shoot me kthxbai, quotes without context, please let me live through this week, the jianjian, other people's awesome, food, nikki is graceful like falling bricks, nikki no baka, america, my god is an awesome god, annie, lx or bastardizations thereof, why aren't you kidding?, mi familia, socializing ftw, sleep, homework, posts of oblique references, with the random, school

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