should i or shouldn't i?

Mar 07, 2008 19:57

I totally ate chocolate in lieu of lunch today.

wait. so. can 'centers' take 'around' as a compliment? or just 'on'?

Dinner was a re-heated leftover samosa from the other night, and then a turkey burger. I had to call mom and ask her how to cook a burger. really. stop looking at me like that.

CONGRATULATIONS TO nihongofrancais!!!!!I didn't doubt it for a ( Read more... )

other people's awesome, food, with the doom!, i am really bad at this 'hiatus' thing, eigo, someone just shoot me kthxbai, why aren't you kidding?, please let me live through this week, meme, the jianjian, commentspam gets its own tag now

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procreational March 8 2008, 01:31:00 UTC
a food: TANGERINES but that is only because I am eating them right now. I am not original. :\

LOL AT THE SAPURI SYNOPSIS. It sounds about right from what I've seen of it. :|


anamuan March 8 2008, 01:31:47 UTC
there has been a smoking theme in your icons lately.


procreational March 8 2008, 01:36:03 UTC
the real reason is not as psychotic as these icons make me seem....I swear. :| I just actually like the idea of smoking and psychotic as that makes me seem...but uhhhh anyways addictions! they interest me. /rambling.



anamuan March 8 2008, 01:38:36 UTC
ahahaha. i would say that the reason makes you seem more psychotic than the icons themselves do XD but interest is alright. I have to say that smoking is bad though! pick a different addiction if you must.
tell me more~

OK, i guess. not working hard enough.
HOW ARE YOU????? I haven't been keeping up with the flist, but last i saw you had a tonne of homework, and had had a lot of english and latin tests.


procreational March 8 2008, 01:51:06 UTC
laughing, I mean, I am interested in the idea behind addictions, and the mentality behind dependency on a thin white cancer stick. I MEAN I'M NOT INTERESTED IN SMOKING.

awww. :\ ganbatte ne, nikki. how are your classes?
WELL THAT WAS BASICALLY ALL TODAY and somehow I aced my ap world quiz today except for this one stupid question about the gupta empire aka ALL LIES argh /anger and uhh english and latin are not that bad :') I am doing better than last term :') I'm so excited :')


anamuan March 8 2008, 01:55:51 UTC
ooooh. how about my internet addiction :D? is it motivated by the same thing as, say, smoking? well, guess. some of the smoking is a chemical dependency, i suppose. but. brain chemicals *jlkjlkafjlfa blahblahblah doesn't know what she's talking about blahblah.* (yes, that is all an action)

IT'S SPRING BREAK! :DDv Except I've been doing thesis/research all term. Now's it's friday evening and i have to start thinking about my regular assignments again god do not want.
YAY FOR YOU!!!! ap's. ganbatte!!
you can do it! and you've time either way to keep doing better.


procreational March 8 2008, 02:04:29 UTC
oh god I think everyone suffers from a mild form of technology addiction. :| the hiatus did help with cutting down on my time on the internet though, so I am glad for that. *ajkdhgslk keysmashes back at you!!*

AWW LUCKY! well except for the thesis/research part. wait, is spring break already over for you? well either way, I hope it wasn't too stressful. :|


anamuan March 8 2008, 02:08:37 UTC

spring break ends monday. but i'm not sure weekends should count anyway, because they're always off.
it was very relaxing, that's true.


procreational March 8 2008, 02:09:38 UTC
so you had this whole week off? *__* fun. did you do anything exciting?


anamuan March 8 2008, 02:11:38 UTC
I...went to the library. I did stay over at my friends' house to do it, though, so I got social interaction. yeah. really, that's about it. Stayed at their house, watched a lot of movies, and did a lot of research (but not as much as should, cause i fell asleep in the library too -_-;)

what have you been up to lately?


procreational March 8 2008, 02:14:34 UTC
laughing, I love your ideas of social interaction. T_T did you see any good movies? I feel so uh, uninformed of movies, so I've decided I'll try to immerse myself in pop culture during my spring break so I can at least have stories to tell my grandchildren.

well next wednesday I'm going to this poetry reading so I'm excited, but I'm not doing so well in creative writing.


anamuan March 8 2008, 02:18:46 UTC
;jkajlaf i know they are lame, ok, but at least i talked to actual human beings (and ones i like at that!), as opposed to last term during finals when i was just writing papers all day every day, so that i was so starved for human contact that i walked to the grocery store just to see other actual human beings. *lame*
Yes! Um. None of them were new. Chun King Express (1994 Hong Kong film), Amedeus (1986?) and then the french film that The Birdcage is based on (also very old).

!! poetry reading. whose?
D: but why not? you write so beautifully.


procreational March 8 2008, 02:22:25 UTC
awwwwww :') I want to make a documentary of your life for social science research (er, if I took that class, that is) and then categorize you as The Overworked Student in Her Natural Habitat. ♥
ooh *saves* I will definitely be haunting the library/video rental store this week~

campbell mcgrath! he is something of a genius. *_* because I guess, partly because fanfiction requires that I use some age old cliches, which my creative writing teacher finds 'stale,' especially when I use them in poems. also he intimidates me and I can only think of smart things to say after he has called on me and there was sufficient awkward silence and he's moved on.


anamuan March 8 2008, 02:29:36 UTC
T_T life, so sad. if you even need to, i'm game ne. test subjecting is kind of fun.
If you're looking for movies, I also rec Saving Face (2004? maybe?).

esprit d’escalier. hate.
;jkafjlkfa poems. i was always really horrible at poems. i just don't get them.


procreational March 8 2008, 02:34:19 UTC
ooh okay! *__* truth be told, I like movies (because they're shorter than drama series) but I don't like those movies where there's a guarantee of heartbreak or the other girl getting the main guy in the story. T_T those are so tedious to sit through. WOW WHAT AM I TALKING ABOUT. I like hot leading actor.s :( I am such a teenager.

ajkdsljgds I LIKE poems. I'll just be happier when we get to short stories. :\\


anamuan March 8 2008, 02:38:25 UTC
OF COURSE! i live a little far from campus, but I would take you around too, if you wanted, so no worries about getting lost! And you'd get inside info on all the dorms.

I like hot leading actor.s :( I am such a teenager.
um. i have totally watched movies solely for this reason. don't think about it too hard.

ganbare! shinjiru kara ne ♥


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