today, i ate:

Mar 04, 2008 02:53

+two pieces of toast (white bread), with peanut butter, and a glass of juice. (breakfast)
+a heart-shaped reese's peanut butter cu- erm. heart. for 'lunch'
+a piece of very good corn bread, made by rocksizedheart
+a little packet of crackers (they were in my purse)
+a hershey's kiss (also, in my purse; i no longer have any food in my purse. i will have to restock)
+half a bottle of water.
+a piece of wheat bread.
+possibly the best dinner of my life (circa 10:30 pm, after stillesprite got home from work. It's amazing how quickly i slip into calling this 'home.' home is where the heart is, afterall) It was this chicken dish that has a name that i can never quite remember (because it sound maybe vaguely french? *shrug*). So the chicken (on the bone) is cooked (eventually) in wine, with onions, carrots, and mushrooms. Served over noodles (i dunno if that's usual?), and with some bread. With it, had a very pretty red beer the name of which I also don't remember. I am not very beer savvy. Followed by mint-chocolate brownies. with choco syrup on top.
What's even more amazing than the dinner itself, was the fact that Tego played an intregal part in making it (with rocksizedheart). And it seemed quite complicated. Involved baking the chicken first and possibly other methods of cooking. It took them, essentially, 2 hours and 40 minutes to make. :OOO later, her mother asked if she'd been replaced by a pod person

It is the Tego!mother birthday today. Happy Birthday, Tego's Mom!!

I also carried a box of linguine in my purse (until we got to the girls' house, and i had somewhere else to put it. Not as good as shrimp, but the baked potato we put in my sister's pocket that one time (and then someone ate it in the movie theater later) came close to the shrimp.

I got through a whole book today. Only, um. 6 more to go? And then some articles. Oh, and the actual writing. The library is very good for my total lack of internet-related self control, though, because since I don't have my computer, and I'm sitting at a desk far away from any others, I have a harder time just getting online. This didn't stop me from checking my email 2ce. But it did stop me from playing. So, yeah.

after dinner, we watched Chung King Express which was weird and cute. One of those kinds of asian movies.

To facilitate the possibility of getting a whole mess of fun links, this link to my semi!hiatus post will become a staple of entries until I. Have a life again.
yoroshiku. I'm sorry for being a lousy lj friend. ;_;

food, i am really bad at this 'hiatus' thing, hoya saxa, annie, omoide, mi familia, socializing ftw, with the random, homework, posts of oblique references, school

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