dinner = FAIL

Mar 02, 2008 21:40

the omurice was kind of a flop. There was too much chahan for the omu, and then i dropped an egg when i went to shlook it (i could feel it slip from my fingertips, but i was powerless to stop its descent) and in my flailing and trying not to step in egg and getting another egg and scrambling it and dumping it into the pan, the egg was a little more done than I was planning (read as: burned, but still edible). Also, the chahan still had too much in the way of mushroom and the addition of catsup and two slightly-overdone fried eggs wasn't going to change that, no matter how much I hoped it would.

To console myself, I am drinking the rest of the bottle of Riesling. Out of a teacup once again. Don't worry, it's like, a glass and half.

my deep and abiding love for 顔文字, food, i am really bad at this 'hiatus' thing, ;_;, commentspam gets its own tag now

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