Happy Valentine's Day

Feb 14, 2008 19:56

what, they are heart-shaped, ok.

love in snow.

I'm going to be updating the valentine's fic entry with links to all the other participants' fic as soon as i get the code. 9:30, or so, right? tanoshimi~

It was fun the first time, but by the second time, it has lost its appeal. If they were not paying me 50 dollars, i would not be doing this experiment anymore.

after being forced to wake up early all week, today i woke up at 7, 2 and a half hours before my alarm was set to go off. IT WAS WONDERFUL. I sighed happily, and snuggled into my covers, and went back to sleep.
In the end, i got up around 9:10 or 9:15, which was still before my alarm was supposed to go off, but close enough, and i'm gasp! not tired today. or at least, not tired right now.

Also, it is sunny.

Did my reading (gasp! again). And this bit made me laugh out loud. For a good reason, even.
"Interpreters interpret for a reason, because there is some communicative or social goal that needs to be met; they do not simply wander upon two speakers shouting at each other in different languages and offer their services."
(Davidson, Brad. 2000. The interpreter as institutional gatekeeper: the social-linguistic role of interpreters in Spanish-English medical discourse. Journal of Sociolinguistics 4(3):379-405.)
You know. in case anyone wanted to go read the rest of the article.

ran into Tego before and after her class. <3 she's going home for the weekend, poor thing.

There was definitely a bit of eggshell that got into my dinner tonight ;_;

There's this old man who rides my bus. I talk to him sometimes (like today). He lives by himself and I don't think he's got any family. Would it be way too weird(creepy) if I got on sometime and gave him a tupperware of food? I just. idk. And if it's not (as in, not incredibly sketch-weird. a little odd-weird is ok.), how would i go about getting information about allergies and other dietary restrictions? What if he doesn't eat meat? or pork? or cabbage? or sugar? or beef? or nuts?

Jamie's friend Amanda (?) is coming in for the weekend, starting tonight. Plus later, 2 other random friends of hers. There'll be a slumber party in the living room.

mostly, i just want to go to sleep.
i hate long weekends. don't get me wrong. i like the no class on monday thing (A LOT!) but, the extra day just gives you the illusion of having so much more time and you really don't.

i like when things work out. Hopefully they'll keep developing this way, and not turn out like they did last term. *crosses fingers*
I am annoyed by the lack of online articles available to me for the journal Pragmatics. How spoiled am I?

疲れてるけど, picatatures, nerdly ftw!, someone just shoot me kthxbai, please let me live through this week, teh internets = my sanity, the jianjian, food, nikki no baka, with the doom!, ♥ILU FLIST, weather, sleep, homework, with the random, socializing ftw, school

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