no subject

Feb 13, 2008 16:29

what does it say about you when your biggest fear is not turning into your mother, but turning into your academic adviser? (not to be confused with Rob, my thesis advisor. Turning into him would also be weird, but for different reasons. I generally like being a girl, for one).

nikki: i like being short. i can get to places easier. i don't have to bend over.
casey: i like bending over.

sleepy through class, but i stayed awake. the acoustic lectures go way too fast for me to write everything down, so i guess i'll have to download those powerpoints after all.

i'm beginning to think that, subconsciously at least, i don't want to vote for the primary, because i keep forgetting to mail in my request for an absentee ballot. Luckily, WV doesn't vote till May, so i've got a little while yet.

Subway train driver, over platform-wide PA: 'Sir, could you please step into or out of the door?'
i would hate to be that guy.

you know that supposed possible three-way distinction between 'Mary,' 'merry,' and 'marry'? Actually, i think it might need to be a 4-way. Also add 'Murry.' Because Debbie's 'merry' and her 'Murry' sound the same (she's got a three-way distinction). But mine are all pronounced differently.

"Nothing says 'I love you' quite like an (accidental) obscene gesture!"

Blake got an extreme haircut, and it's taking me a very long time to get used to it. Walking into class behind him today, I swore I wondered who the guy was and what he was doing in my class. Until he turned around.

reading an interesting acticle by Rusty Barrett on African-American drag queens. this bit here is about exploratory (code) switching. But i think it's actually not the article i wanted. which means i still need to find it, and also not read the rest of this book just because it's interesting. At least. not during 'work' time.

Debbie: Everyone's polluted because we're all hearing each other.
Mickey: Unclean! Unclean!
Debbie: Contaminated.

making the crab-rice stuffed peppers tonight for dinner (i just had two cookies because i came home starving. I think it's the cold making me so hungry), which i realized kind of belatedly is basically just stillesprite doria idea, but in a pepper instead of in a casserole dish.

random girl on campus: Yeah, when I say I'm going out to dinner, that usually actually means I'm going out to dinner--by myself! :D (said complete with suddenly very happy face)

sillyandmorbid's house at school has been evacuated. Her house is really more like a dorm, so it's a lot of kids. Apparently, the roof is leaking quite badly, but she's not really sure what's going on because she came back from class and found she wasn't allowed inside. *shrug* i hope that turns out alright quickly.

that fic challenge is causing me stress :D

Get your own valentinr

food, 疲れてるけど, with the doom!, class, america, someone just shoot me kthxbai, lx or bastardizations thereof, quotes without context, why aren't you kidding?, i don't have tags for intelligent things, weather, sleep, the jianjian, with the random, school

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