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mycroftnext February 1 2008, 04:43:54 UTC
I remember you posting that how-to, and it looked like fun, but I still needed the interactiveness of an okonomiyaki restaurant to really get the concept. And now I will use your how-to (someday) and make Moose eat it. He's my go-to guy for trying out Japanese food.

You have good intuition, yo! I trust your creepy vibe, because - whether I agree with it or not - you usually have at least a reason for not liking someone, so when you don't, that's definitely alarm-bells worthy.

What did they up the Metro prices to? They're being so ridiculous with those idiotic prices. I'm proud of you for getting accustomed to the mile-long escalator. I never seemed to be able to make it up. Part of this was because most times that I was using the escalator, I was sick (and hacking) and that escalator is not made for diminished lung-capacity. The other part is because I'm a total out-of-shape weakling. But I totally know what you mean about the cold air! I'll get out of the car, and just in the space between car and church, I'll start coughing because the cold air cuts my lungs apart.

What was this textbook? It sounds marvelous! And it's true, there are exceptions, but I still find that in general, it's true.

Oh! Now I remember. Is it any different than hiragana (other than being smaller)?


anamuan February 1 2008, 04:56:32 UTC
tell me how it goes ne.

kjl;agl he just. idk. rubbed the wrong way. by existing. this is the boy who sent me panicked emails via facebook because jamie didn't answer her phone...for a whole hour. I was like "um. She's probably sleeping." (she was). of my friends' boyfriends, the ones i didn't like unreasonably all turned out not to be keepers, so. i guess i should learn to go with this.
On the other hand, i only ever seem to fall for gay guys. or ones in serious long term relationships. but mostly they're gay.

you don't exactly have the world's strongest lungs, but. I will take the sympathizing for what it is: sincere.
Um. i'm a little bit confused because smartrip cardholders get discounts on the bus and with transfers if they use teh card. But bus prices went up 10 cents, without the card, so i think it's not 1.35 by cash (still 1.25 by smartrip). And the trains are now 1.65 at the lowest for everyone.
I just. I mean. They just don't encourage the use of public transit at all and their occassional feeble attempts to plug it just get more laughable each time.

It is called What is Meaning, by Paul Portner. I think it's a blackwell.

it is a kind of hiragana? hiragana can be chanto letters all by themselves; furigana have to be sitting next to a kanji. otherwise they're just hiragana. does that answer the question?


mycroftnext February 1 2008, 05:07:10 UTC
Will do. I've taught Moosen to say "umai" so maybe I'll get that out of him!

Well, at least you have a good intuition to help the rest of us. And it has probably served you well up until now because you were able to avoid the creepy ones, they just had other mitigating factors.
The old adage comes to mind: men are like parking spaces; the good ones are either taken or handicapped.

Thank you for understanding the point of my empathy, no matter how pathetic it might be.
I thought it was 1.35 by cash when I left, and the metro was 1.50. And although they said that smartrippers got discounts, I never really saw it.
They know that by this point, Metro is ubiquitous and everybody tries to use it, because no matter what, it's cheaper than paying for gas. Stupid semi-monopolies.

Ooooh. Delicious textbooks. (Can you tell I'm starving for a little bit of intellectualism over here?)

It does. I was basically wondering that if in the process of making it smaller and attaching it to kanji any of the shapes/strokes changed. But that appears not to be the case.

So, Dad went to this workshop tonight on how to write good resumes and cover letters. (I was going to go to, then I got sick; story of my life) Would you like me to scan the info and send it to you? Since you'll be on the job market soon and all. This guy is a pro, and people have had a lot of success with his stuff.


anamuan February 1 2008, 05:15:01 UTC
no, it was still 1.25 for bus and 1.35 for train up until Jan 6 of this year. at least for the minimum. i never figured out how/when they started having prices jump on the trains.
i. you know. i don't know what/if there was a smartripper discount before. maybe in the metro parking?
given the amount of traffic i really doubt 'everybody tries to use it.' It is also extremely inconvenient.


no. it's to help small children know how to read. if they had to learn a different code for it, then they could just learn the kanji.

YES! ESPECIALLY TEH COVER LETTERS! I think i've got a pretty decent resume because that's about all the career center people are good for, but. I would like those too, because it can't hurt to have another example ne. THANK YOU!!!!!


mycroftnext February 1 2008, 05:24:58 UTC
Oh, ok. Clearly I have memory issues. I blame it on the happy cough meds I'm on. (Isn't it marvelous having a catch-all thing to blame?)

I know you couldn't do metro parking without smartrip before I left (for real, I know that's true.), and there was the convenience of always getting the transfer discounts, whatever they were, whenever I used the card, instead of having to juggle the little transfer papers and stuff. But I don't think I got any discounts per se.
Well, maybe not everyone, but I think a lot of people try and use it, but then their work schedules or the long commute or the lack of stops nearby make public transport not the way to go.

I told you what's wrong! I'm STARVING for some intellectualism over here, to the point where I'm reading my lx textbooks!

Aha. Now I see. Also, aren't any kanji that aren't on the "2000ish most-used kanji" list required to have that off to the side in newspapers and stuff?

Sure. Not a problem. The minute I saw the handouts, I asked Dad if the guy minded people replicating and passing on his information since I have several friends that will be in need of such things in the very near future. (Ack!)


i am not going to edit this comment because i am too lazy. anamuan February 1 2008, 05:49:20 UTC
this it totally unrelated to anything, but what time are we doing the editz tomorrow? you're later, so you get to set limits on the earliness. I would like to finish as early as possible, because i have massive amounts of homework and i said i'd try and get to the hallelujah shabbat for tego and then to rocksizedheart's get-together thing though i doubt i'll really get to either, realistically *sigh*

that's what the signs say. We used to use metro parking when we came to visit dc, so i always wondered what the tourists from out of town are supposed to do now.
if they made their system more convenient i wouldn't mind paying so much. actually, they should just make their system more convenient. green my ass.


yes. yes they are. you're such a bright cookie! and doped up on cough meds, even.

and there was a yes, i'm assuming? :D THANK YOU!!! (i forgive you for reminding me of that, even)


Re: i am not going to edit this comment because i am too lazy. mycroftnext February 1 2008, 05:55:01 UTC
So maybe I didn't go to bed right away. We can start at 9(me)11(you) I think. I'm majorly doped up, so it might take me a little longer than normal to form coherent thoughts, but I'm always up for editing. This could be really interesting. :D

Are you going to send me what more you've written or are you still worrying about its suitability for public viewing? Either way, you should send it, because I'm not really public.


Re: i am not going to edit this comment because i am too lazy. anamuan February 1 2008, 05:57:11 UTC
i was hoping you'd do that. How about i get on at 11 and you be there when you can? it's early for you and you are sick.
That being said, CHOU TANOSHIMI!!!

I'll show it to you tomorrow, either by email or by chat window. It's. I'm not sure where I'm going to plug it all in yet. Most of my major questions center around organization with this thing, so.


Re: i am not going to edit this comment because i am too lazy. mycroftnext February 1 2008, 06:00:03 UTC
Yoshi! A domani cara mia.


mycroftnext February 1 2008, 05:44:36 UTC
And now I have to go to bed, because the happy cough meds have kicked in. *sigh*

Oh crap! What time tomorrow are we editing? Does 10 (my time) work for you? I'll probably be up around 9 (I hope), so you have until that early or anytime later. I'll see you then!


anamuan February 1 2008, 05:46:54 UTC
i was just replying to you asking that. *sigh* obviously i type too slowly.

10 your time is 12 my time? the earlier the better for me, but 10 your time might be pretty do-able. you're later, so you get to pick the earlyness.


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