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tinyangl January 7 2008, 00:43:59 UTC
I like the quote. <3333

LOL. I don't like football. I can't follow it at ALL and I live with family members who love all sports. At least I can follow baseball or basketball or soccer. But Footbal is SO CONFUSING.>.>

@.@ Church. Geez, I haven't been to church in forever. I am a bad Catholic. >.<

I don't either. But I know what you mean about a purpose. XPPP


tinyangl January 7 2008, 01:42:21 UTC
EH!? *Just saw your most recent post* What's wrong, dear?? @.@


anamuan January 7 2008, 03:14:01 UTC
just those vague yucky feelings. i ate dinner and feel better now ^_^


anamuan January 7 2008, 02:42:39 UTC
I really don't like sports much. The only one i can really follow is swimming. I used to like hockey (for the blood), but it's been years since I saw a game; I don't think i'd understand it anymore.
but the fun of it was that i was totally confused because all i really know is that you're supposed to get the ball to the other end of the field XD

this is a stupid question but, how do you make the sideways carrots not disappear into the html abyss?


tinyangl January 7 2008, 02:54:04 UTC
Ahhhhhh. I doubt you could forget how a game would go. Maybe it'd be like riding a bike - as soon as you see another game, you'd remember again.
LOLOL. But then there's that down and stuff and all this stuff that I just don't understand. LOL.

Errr... How does it get lost? *not sure how it looks on yours* On mine, there's no chance of it getting lost. What's your browser?

P.S. How does the icon look?


anamuan January 7 2008, 03:05:30 UTC
but rules are so complicated, and fouls and stuff. i dunno.
i don't get any of it at all. (but i'm pretty ok with that XD. kyoumi nai~)

it looks perfect on mine, but if i just type them in >< the 'opens right' (the less than sign?) always disappears. my browser? mostly internet explorer, but sometimes firefox.

I like it. it's so cute! i'm going to snag ♥


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