
Dec 26, 2007 22:46

someday i hope to think up better subject lines.

woke up and braved the day-after-christmas crazy at the mall and got myself a gold shiny purse. i know, it's stupid, but i developed a liking for them in japan but figured i would never have the guts to actually, like, use it. the i came back and lost some more shame but they weren't really in here yet, and so impossible to find. then they got in, but were expensive, so i bided my time. No more! for the gold, shiny purse is mine.
consumerism at its finest.

then i went hunting for my cellphone, which had been in whereabouts unknown for the past two or three days, and called Alec back. He was miraculously free today, so we went and got lunch at TJ's. i hadn't been to TJ's in probably 10 years (sports bars aren't really my thing?) and had a burger (which i haven't had in months, and wanted). he leaves town again friday.

Alec was my best friend in high school, despite being an emo, emo boy, but since he went to college he hasn't been in town much (and since i haven't either), so i don't get to see him a lot anymore. He is also much less emo. My conditioned response to him balling up paper is to duck and cover. it's instinct, faster than reason, and the result of a 6 week summer gym course that we took five and a half years ago. I think we were both surprised to find i reacted to violently.

697 (well, 8 now) posts in not quite 2 years, averaging .978 posts a day.

yesterday sillyandmorbid did my nails. black with designs in silver. some of which were made with tinfoil. it looks pretty cool, i think, even though painted nails aren't quite my thing (too much work, and then they start growing out, and yeah, too much work)

the two of us together tend to be fairly ...experimental with fashion because we egg each other on.

There was also another 1 hour fic challenge. which i might link to later, but right now i feel lazy.

watch me be vain, ♥ILU FLIST, socializing ftw, 迷子to iu ka, with the random

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