(no subject)

Dec 08, 2007 19:05

i used the rest of my crab dip from the korokke to stuff half a pepper that was probably border-line edible (it didn't look like it was growing anything, but...). I hope it's tasty. *不安*
edit: it was totally tasty and i am made of win! even if the cholestorol takes a year of my life.

i think we'll call this 'hiatus' thing over, because i am sick of failing at everything.

also, 50% done!! korekara...gokusen ya anego shika nai no yo~.

i haven't left the house all day, i'm in my pajamas, and the world is just lonely. or something.
i wish i had something worth talking about.

but! i am getting socks for christmas!!
surprisingly, mom was like "ok. order some, have them shipped home, and I'll wrap them for you ♥" instead of "are you kidding me? did you look at those prices?"
she is getting soft in her old age, but. I don't think i'm complaining.

edit: I just realized what's wrong with NHK world. besides all the english programming. NO COMMERCIALS. dude. where are my cracky Japanese commercials? i need the stupid! i need the annoying voices! i need the bad cg and smap songs as background to shampoo cms. where is it?

food, tv, nikki no baka, i am really bad at this 'hiatus' thing, 寂しがりやじゃない, i hate myself sometimes, homework

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