*continues to hiatus poorly*

Dec 08, 2007 01:27

snagged from anime_heart. because memes are obviously a better use of time than coding. datte! i did 200 today (which is only 100 less than I told my professor I had done already >.>) and um. i missed my sanity. I am going through all the real-people first and i am excited! ...i should be sleeping. or coding. *sigh*

1.) When you walk in your front door, which room do you enter?
a hallway? i think i would call it a hallway/entryway thingy. *nodnod*

2.)Do you have a dishwasher?
Yes! It came with the apartment, but even if it hadn't, i was like 'DISHWASHER BEFORE BED! I HAVE PRIORITIES, DAMMIT, AND I AM NOT HANDWASHING DISHES YO!'

3.) Is your living room carpeted or does it have hardwood floors?
carpet. it's new and fuzzes on everything.

4.) Do you keep your kitchen knives on the counter or in a drawer?
mostly in a drawer.

5.) House, apartment, duplex or trailer?
apartment ^_^v

6.) How many bedrooms is it?

7.) Gas stove or electric?
*sigh* electric. *misses her fire*

8.) Do you have a yard?
nope. iranai~

9.) What size TV is in the living room?
bigger than my computer screen? um. um um. i dunno. not that small.

10.) Are your plates in the same cupboard as your cups?

11.) Is there a coffee maker sitting on your kitchen counter?
yes. it belongs to jamie. i have to use it, supposedly, but i don't know how to make it work.

13.) What room is your computer in?
my bedroom.

14.) Are there pictures hanging in your living room?
no, actually. our living room is pretty bare. maybe we should get pictures.

15.) Are there any themes found in your home?
all the big pieces of furniture are dark, dark brown. um. maybe also red? because the kitchen trash-can is red, and my bedspread is red, and the vaccuum is red. and also the blender. because jamie bought it to match.

16.) What kind of laundry detergent do you use??
the 3x concentrated kind (which just means they didn't dilute it as much) um. rainnantoka. i don't remember, ok i am not going to go check.

17.) Do you use dryer sheets??
sometimes when i remember.

18.) Do you have any curtains in your home??
the apartment came with blinds. Um. I have a curtain sitting in its packaging on my floor.

19.) What color is your fridge?

20.) Is your house clean??
parts of it are!

21.) What room is the most neglected?
i guess the living/dining room because really we don't use it very much.

22.) Are the dishes in your sink clean or dirty?
dirty. and they're totally all jamie's too.

23.) How long have you lived in your home?
since august!

24.) Where did you live before?

25.) Do you have one of those fluffy toilet lid covers on your toilet?
dear lord no!

26.) Do you have a scale anywhere in your house?

27.) How many mirrors are in your house?
4 kana? i don't know how many are in jamie's bathroom, so i'm guessing one for her.

28.) Do you have a garage?
no. technically the apartment complex has a small parking garage in addition to the parking lot, but the parking lot is free while the garage costs rent. not that it really matters anyway, because i am carless, but.

nikki no baka, i am really bad at this 'hiatus' thing, teh internets = my sanity, with the random, meme

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