here i am

Nov 30, 2007 17:16

I should know by now that any gift of extra time given me will not be used constructively. Instead I will use it for playing on the internets, or in this case, sleep for an extra, unnecessary 2-3 hours.
I even got up at 9 for a phone call, and then thinking about how class this afternoon got cancelled, promptly went back to bed. And woke up at 1.

I need to write back to my host family. For like, the past 2 months. And send them Christmas cards this year (instead of running so late with that kind of thing and deciding to send New Year's Cards instead).

dark by 5 is so depressing.

There was a really cool conference/panel thing at school today that I rsvp'ed for but didn't go to despite the offer of free food because i didn't have to go to school today. I wish I'd remembered in the morning before going back to sleep--i might have tried to go see if they had any breakfast leftovers.

Today was one of those beautiful fall days. Not as pretty as last week because all the leaves are down, but.
I didn't go outside.

Now katrinastrifehan comes in tomorrow morning and leaves very early Monday morning, so the 'weekend' will be shorter than originally expected, but she changed her tickets without very much extra expense, and she's still coming, so it's still exciting.
Sunday morning brunch plans with Tego. We'll see what'll happen after the test.

I kind of want a good burger.

I think we've reached the point where procrastination is becoming detrimental and I was considering taking my 'it's finals time' hiatus earlier than usual, but really the internet is the only thing keeping me sane atm
as per usual in times of high stress, i miss japan.

i am doing laundry. *proud of self*

food, someone just shoot me kthxbai, kaa-san-tachi, to do, bakanakoto, weather, socializing ftw, sleep, school 2

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