Oct 30, 2007 18:42

is too cold. I've decided. 45 means I'm wearing a sweater and the jacket+scarf combo isn't good enough. 45 means they turned on the heat in ICC so all classrooms are now somewhere up around 90 degrees, which is especially bad when you have to dress warmly enough to survive getting there.

Nothing really happened today. Eigo to nihongo no koukan. Ran into stillesprite but things didn't work out→plans for next tuesday.
Have converted the arashi keitai strap to a bracelet.

It gets dark too early.

Coding deadline bumped back to next Tuesday because, as a class, we are not confident in our ability to hear the differences and want more practice.
Need to begask Rob to be my thesis advisor. I can't imagine him saying no, but I hate to be a bother. meh.

I'm sitting at my desk eating icecream out of the tub.

lx 2, eikaiwa, food 3, weather 2, school 2

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